Chapter 4

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Remus' POV

Me and De have been trying to get Logan to regress for the last week. We tried giving him milk in a sippy cup, time out, his stuffie, his paci and so much more stuff I can barely remember. He slipped slightly yesterday but forced himself out of littlespace and then locked himself in his room for the rest of the day.

"We have to tell the light sides. We said we'd tell them if he ever worried us and he's worrying us," Janus tried to convince me.

"I know but it still seems like a bad idea... okay. Who do we tell first?" I asked.

"Hmm... either Virgil or Patton. Virgil knows a lot about coping mechanisms so he might know about littles but Patton already considers Logan his child," Janus pondered.

"Virgil. He's a lot easier to talk to," I answered.

"Okay then," Janus said as we sunk down into Virgil's room.

"What do you two want?" Virgil didn't look away from his phone.

"It's about Logan."

"Oh." He put down his phone on the coffee table next to his bed.

"We need to tell the others about this but we thought that you would understand a lot more about... age regression," Janus mumbled the last part.

"Logan's a little?" Asked Virgil.

"Yeah. Me and De are kinda his caregivers."

"Makes sense about how you three got so close," Virgil said, kinda thinking his thoughts aloud. "So why are you telling me this?"

"LoLo is forcing himself to stay big. We're getting kinda worried," I answered.

"Okay, we should probably tell Pat and Roman. Do you think you could get Logan in the living room in like 10 minutes?" Virgil started planning.

"Uhh okay," said Janus.

"And do you know what little stuff he likes?" Virgil continued to plot.

"Apple Juice, his stuffie, Big Hero 6 and I think that's most of it," Janus listed.

"How long has it been since he last regressed?" Virgil asked ANOTHER question.

"About a week but he spent the whole day in littlespace."

"Okay, so it should be pretty easy to get him in littlespace. Anything else I need to know?"

"LoLo's really clingy when little."

"Okay then. You get Logan out of his room in like 10 minutes and I'll talk to Patton and Roman," Virgil concluded and went into the living room where Patton and Roman were watching Disney princess movies.

"Okay let's get Logan," Janus walked to Logan's door. "Hey, Logan can we come in?"


"Please LoLo?"

"What do you want?" Logan shouted through his door.

"We just wanted to check you're okay," I pouted, not like he could see me anyway

"I'm fine."

"Logan, we need physical evidence," Janus insisted.

I heard Logan walking towards his door. He unlocked it with hesitation. "You can see I'm perfectly fine."

Janus grabbed his arm and made him sink down into the living room.

"What was that for?" LoLo was pissed to say the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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