𝑅𝑒𝒹 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝓃'𝓈 𝒟𝒶𝓎?

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ANOTHER UPDATE BECAUSE I GO BACK TO WORK TOMORROW AND ALSO MCC DATE IS GOING TO BE ANNOUNCED THIS WEEK SO I STILL HAVE SOME THINGS TO WORK ON BEFORE THE DATE AND TEAMS GET ANNOUNCED SO I WON'T NEED TO STRESS ABOUT IT LATER ONCE THE NEWS ARE OUT :D Also I really love reading your reactions to certain things as some of you are actually pretty close to the whole plot.👀 ENJOY! (by the way we are almost at 10k reads (watch me reach it before even finishing this chapter because I am a slow typer oof-) so I might actually cosplay some scenes of this book and post on tiktok or something >:D or maybe make DreamXD and y/n Minecraft skins I literally have no clue but I will think of something since it is really big for me and I want to somehow celebrate it :D) You guys always make my days better and I appreciate every single one of you. <3

I woke up in my bed cold and alone again. I stretched my arms and went straight to the bathroom to get a nice shower. After I was finished, I went back to my room and put on my clothes.

I saw a folded piece of paper on the table and took it.

What's up with DreamXD and little notes?

" Tell Technoblade I can meet them at 2 p.m. preferably at the stronghold. Some unplanned things came up so I couldn't stay for the whole night.

See you later.

I love you.


I put the paper back on the table and went downstairs still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Good morning." I sat on a chair.

"Morning y/n."

"What are you cooking?"

"Potatoes. Want some?"

"Yes, I am starving." I complained. "Anyway, my guy wants to meet you all today in like..." I looked at the clock while chewing the hot potato. "In like three hours."

"How do you know?"

"He left a note." I rolled my eyes stabbing my food with a fork.

"Okay did he say the place?"

"End portal room."

"I don't remember where it is."

"I do. Just spread the word to others and we will be good."

"Will do."

"Any luck with gear yesterday?" I asked.

"Not really." Techno sighed. "Feels like all the riches knew I was coming for them." he chuckled.

"Alright I should start preparing to leave. The time will fly by." I chewed the last bit of my breakfast. "Clean the dishes. Thank you."

"Oh my god you're so annoying." Technoblade shook his head in disappointment.

I went back to my room and started gathering my stuff. You never know what could wait for you in the shadows.

After a few hours all of us were sitting near the end portal.

Techno kept looking at the entrance, Sam kept checking his clock and Punz fidgeting with a crossbow.

"He is not coming." Techno mumbled all annoyed.

"I mean you need my help not vice versa." a voice said behind him.

Everyone jumped turning around to that direction.

DreamXD gracefully entered the room from the other side climbing down the stairs.

He went to the middle of the room and sat on the portal crossing his hands on his chest. His warm and calm presence already rubbing on everyone.

"First of all - hello. Second of all - ask your questions right away since all of your minds are buzzing like a bee, and it is really hard for me to concentrate. I will try to answer as much as I can." he said and then smiled at me.

He is intimidating... but I kind of like this side of him.

"So, you're a god, huh?" Punz asked.

"I am."

"Why do you look like Dream and is your name also Dream?" Sam frowned.

"Dream and I used to be one person years ago. That's why we look alike. No, my name is DreamXD." he explained calmly.

"DreamXD? What kind of fan name is this?" Techno rolled his eyes and I elbowed him in the side.

"Well, if you must ask - my name is actually XD. DreamXD was our name when we were one person. Since one specific person never called us Dream nor XD I stuck with the combined name as a memory." he shrugged his shoulders.


"Do you know why we wanted to meet you?" Punz asked.

"Yes. But I have to disappoint you all since I will not be able to help you in the fight." he sighed.

"Why?" Techno frowned.

"It's complicated to explain. You see the Red Banquet is happening the exact same day as Red Moon's Day which means that BadBoyHalo and others expected this and planned everything right ahead of you."

"Red Moon's Day? What the fuck is that?" Punz raised his eyebrow.

"When Dream and I split up... It was not an easy process. And it caused some permanent damage to everything. You see I was the good side of our combined person, and he was the evil one. The god of despair and destruction. I had to give away lots of my powers and energy to control him the best I could. That lead me to being drained and powerless for a long time. Red Moon's Day is the day we split up. It happens once a year every year. On that day I can be defeated since my power is so weak that some of you could even call me... a human that day. That means I will be back home on the other side of the end portal saving my essence where nobody can enter and put me in danger. It's going to last for almost the whole day so I will be no help to you all."


"What? So, we came here for nothing because you are no help for us?" Sam asked.

"Now now. Just because I won't be able to help you during the Red Banquet that doesn't mean that I won't help you at all. I can train you and give you guys proper gear."

"I am the Blade. I don't need your training."

"Right old man." with one swift move Techno was unarmed and DreamXD was sitting on his shoulders.

"What the-"

"Lesson number one - never underestimate your enemy."

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