Chapt 8. Bonnie and Clyde

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to InFAMOUS: Second Son, all rights are reserved to Sucker Punch.

Chapter 8. Bonnie and Clyde

1 and a half years ago, Salmon Bay......

It was like any other day in the Akomish home of Salmon Bay. The seagulls were flying about, and the sun was as radiant as ever. Yet for, some reason it felt like today was gonna take an unforeseeable turn, you felt it in your gut. What had you extremely puzzled however, was the reason behind that unshakable feeling. You didn't know what it was! You were taking a stroll by the bay in Salmon Bay to take your mind of a few things, to have some time to yourself. Isabel was generous enough to drop you off at your desired destination and even offered to give you a ride back home as well. In which you graciously accepted, seeing as to how you don't have a car of your own. Still, you felt very appreciative towards how helpful Isabel was being and generally for having her in your life. It was nice to know you could count on her even if it was for simple things such as a few rides.

The sun's reflection was glistening amongst the bay's water, creating a perfectly leisurely scene for you to reflect your thoughts on. The sounds of the waves only did more justice to ease your mind. Surprisingly enough, the echos of the seagulls weren't bothering you much at all. Minus the occasional ducking when the seagulls flew by, you were in complete bliss.

Then suddenly you heard a strange sound.


"What in the-?" you halted in your steps. Your curiosity intensified as you kept hearing the sound from a nearby distance.


"Is that.... a spray can?"

Intrigued by the sound, you began to follow it, leading you to God knows where but you didn't care. Like a moth to a flame you only followed the sound as if in some trance. Your walking came to a halt as you heard the sound of a metal ball clashing and shaking within a small container, pulling you out of your trance, and met the source of the sound.

As you guessed, the sound was in fact coming from a spray can but once that mystery was solved you faced a new one standing right in front of you. It was a tall man who appeared to be spray painting an owl, coincidentally enough a creature you were very fond of, on a very large boulder.

The man was still unaware of your presence so you used that to the best of your advantage and took a seat on a nearby log to observe his work. You've been to several art galleries before, courtesy of your father's contacts, and have seen many famous paintings. Yet all branches of visual arts are very distinct from one another and you of all people knew that. Street Art just so happened to have always been a secret favorite of yours. It was spunky and illegal.

After several minutes of continuous spraying sounds the mysterious man was still not aware of your loitering form not too far from him. That was until he finally turned around and was immediately greeted by your unanticipated form. His eyes went wide with surprise, then his lips curled into a small smirk admiring your craftiness, then he went into a slight panic mode again as he realized he had just be caught vandalizing a defenseless boulder.

"Woah, okay how long have you been sitting there?"

"I don't know. Long enough," you shrugged your shoulders.

He takes a glance at you, then at his recent tag, then at you once more and releases a sheepish laugh, "Any chance you could just pretend you didn't see me...or this?," he motions to his newly painted owl.

"Why wouldn't I wanna see this?" you asked, feeling perplexed. "I actually really like it."

"Really?" now it was his turn to be confused. "So you're not gonna call the cops-if you didn't already?"

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