The Bloodshed of the Insane

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- Let us begin another month of writing this. I hope to get it out a lot sooner than for you guys waiting for months at a time. These next few long ass chapters are going to revolve around an escape. A so called escape arc. So expect a lot of gore, blood, and everything in between. Maybe some smut. Who knows. I hope you enjoy whenever this comes out.

P.S. Excuse my many scene changes; I want everyone to be in this so I don't have to make multipul things on the same thing. This is how this entire book will be done; several scene changes. But it's alright.~


The insane asylum has been active with these inmates for the past month; each of them has either gotten worse, or gotten better. Or even shown their true colors. Like Seamus, for example. He seems to show signs of sarcasm, but as well using his sarcasm as a form of manipulation to make people do whatever they want no matter the ordeal at hand. It seems he may also have a form of possession; once he speaks a so called command, the person at hand seems to fall under and the shell of the body moves on it's own to do the task asked. They seem to never remember what they have done. Seamus could have had them kill someone and they wouldn't even know it.

Second, Dexter. He finally came to his senses and shown them his true colors. He seems to have a severe case of PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We're still not sure what set him off to have this sort of mental disorder but it seems far to severe that it may be untreatable.

The other boys have either gotten worse, or better, sadly, a few casualties have been taken by these inmates as they seem to not be able to handle themselves. Today, however, they've been good enough to where they can be free to roam about the area; however, they will be monitored heavily to make sure that they do not do anything obscene that needs attending too. There's a camera for each cell, and each area within the building. Each camera has color, and sound. It's rather clear as well; more than one person watches these cameras at a time. A male turns on the control center for the cameras as several light up, showing each of them in their current cells. A second male comes into the room to monitor, telling the younger male what to press and when too to let the pairs out.


Cell 5091 - Cell of James "Nova" Wilson and Aleksandr "Immortal" Marchant.

The cell to 5091 opens as both men look at the gap slowly becomes larger. James grins as he leaves the area, leaving the lust loving male behind. Aleks whines as he runs after the other, grabbing onto his arm as if he never wanted to let go. James growls as he tries to get his arm free but the arm was in a death like grip, the Russian not wanting to let go.

"God damnit, Aleksandr..! Get the fuck off of me before I eat you!"

Aleks sighs as he stares up at the other, a little grin now plastered on his face as he moves more closer as if he was trying to rub up against him, "Bite me..~ I like the pain..~"

"Fuck me.."


James rolls his eyes as he drags the Russian out of the area of their cell, snooping around the area. Aleks lets James go as he spots a cell with a male he also seemed to take an extreme liking too.


Cell 5095 - Cell of Eddie "SlyFox" Cardona and Seamus "SSoH" O'Doherty.

Once the cell to 5095 opens, Eddie giggles madly once he spots his so called lust driven friend and brings him into a hug. Aleks moves his arms around the Latino, moving as close as he can, doing the same to Eddie that he did to James. The other just giggles as he follows the others movements, Seamus and James watching in complete horror.

"Are they fucking with their clothes on?"

"Shut up Seamus."

Seamus twitches a bit as he looks to the other, a stoic look on his face as he shuts up, watching the two grind against each other. Eddie finally pulls away from Aleks as he gives the Russian a little peck on the cheek, "No fucking in the hallway, Aleks~!"

Aleks whines from the loss of contact but deals with it.

James looks at the three as he turns his head, licking his lips. The insane one looks rather tasty at the moment for some odd reason but he tries to stop what he wanted to do by shaking his head but it didn't work. He moved forward and took a bite out of Sly's arm, gushes of blood dropping down his arm as James eats the insanity right out of Eddie. The giggle freak just giggles it off but seems to get louder as the pain seeps in, now turning into little screams as he holds his arm, watching James eat the bit of flesh he took from his arm.

"Why did you do that..!? Insanity doesn't taste good..!" Sly just giggles even more as an insane grin forms on his face; he moves back into his cell as he begins to wrap his arm up with the sheet from his bed, ripping it off and using it as a make-shift bandage. "All better~!"

James finishes eating his so called friend as he looks around the shitty hallway they were in as he sighs, "You guys ever think about escaping this hell hole?"

Eddie blinks as his giggles slowly come to a stop as he nods, "We're cooped up here like we're animals; drugs everywhere and shitty doctors who don't know what their talking about! We need to get out of here!"

"But how?" Is the only thing the sarcastic asshole speaks as everyone looks at him, a bit surprised he spoke normal words other than his usual sarcasm.

"Well, my dear manipulative sarcastic asshole, we need to get the rest of us then we can go outside to talk about it where there are no cameras. You see this?" James points up to a bloated black dot on the ceiling. "That is recording us; is can hear us, and see us. We need to go outside and by the fence. There are no cameras that far out that can hear us. They may be able to see us, but can't hear our plans."

Eddie giggles as he takes hold of Aleks' hand, running off to go get two more of them as Seamus and James goes off in the opposite direction.


Once everyone was out, they all went outside away from the cameras so they can speak about their plan. Each of them figured out that they were all going to have their own plans on what will happen to escape this hell hole, hoping that each of them can actually do it and get it done. If each of them get done with their tasks, everything should be set to where there is a clear shot to get out of the building.


I shall leave this here.~ It's a little cliff hanger but hey! It's out a lot sooner than I was expecting! These next few parts will be them doing their duties and trying to escape; if they're able to.~

If you liked this part and you want some more, let me know; if you have any more ideas you'd like to see me write up, leave it down below as well! If you also liked this part, give it a star~! If you want to get to know me on a personal level or just fangirl about the Creatures and blab, follow my Twitter! The name has changed so xQueenOfHorror does not exsist anymore! The new name is @TheCreaturette. I don't bite. Much.~ And, if you want, you can follow me.~ I'll appreciate it with a passion.~

I love you~!

~ SinfulWordMaster

The Mentally Ill - [ Creature Hub 'Insanity Series' ] ~ Book One. ~Where stories live. Discover now