Doctor Elliot Marco

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You guys gave me some silly and weird ideas. I actually do like them! I like weird things and I can work them in here somewhere or have them all be in one part! Who knows! I'm currently playing my In This Moment songs - 16 of them - and hopefully once I restart Adrenalize Me, I'll be finished by the time You Always Believed is finished. Or It'll go into my Killswitch Engage songs. Heavy Metal is the best for writing creepy shit. >]

Let us being~!


"Doctor Elliot Marco speaking," The male speaks into a tape recorder of the sorts as the rest of the boys thrash around in the bed they were tied too, groaning and trying their best to get free but it was to no avail. "I have more than enough subjects to test my drugs on; the rest of the doctors and shitty nurses around here don't suspect a thing. And they never will. I'm too sly for them to figure out. Dumb-asses."

Marco can't help but to grin as he moves over to the insane one that was like him, moving his hand down his cheek and to his neck, gripping onto the flesh and windpipe to stop his breathing momentarily, "You think you know what true insanity is. I'll show you insanity!" Marco took his second syringe out from his pocket as he was about ready to stab it in Sly's neck but it seems the male got free when Marco wasn't looking and grabbed hold of his hand, stopping the drug from entering his body. Sly's eyes widen like saucers as his laugh bellows throughout the room, true insanity showing for the Latino male. The other boys in the room cheer; one of the was free and it was most likely the most dangerous of them all except James.

"Haha..~! You don't know what true insanity is..~! You're just some kooky doctor in a suit saying you're completely insane but you're looking at insanity right in the face! This is real insanity! The voices in your head telling you to murder someone and watch as their entrails fall out of their stomach and onto the floor; the warm, iron crimson blood falling from their body as you wash yourself within it, laughing like a maniac! The murder! The cackles! The oh so sexual feeling of watching someone die right before you eyes! Ahaaaa..~ Oh god. You have a lot to learn, Doctor Elliot Marco..~!"

Marco takes a step back from the insane man; he was actually really insane and he couldn't compete with that. But he can sure as hell try, "Well aren't you a tough cookie..~? I'm not sure if you know what true insanity is-!"

"Oh, Doctor.~ You're so Naive..~ I told you before, you're looking at true insanity. Just because you're some, Mad Doctor from Arkham Asylum, doesn't mean you have the title as the insane man.~" Sly shakes his head as he points to Marco, his grin turning sinister as he moves more closer to him, said doctor making a few steps back. "You're a horrible doctor, Marco.~ You should just take a noose, hang it up, walk through it and snap that neck of yours as you gasp for air and try to live.~ Aah..~ That would be an amazing sight to behold~!"

Marco can't even describe the insanity that radiates off of this man. His words seem to get to him and not in the way he was expecting. Marco grins as he holds his hands up in defeat; he wasn't one to loose to such an insanity battle, but it looks like he won't be able to compete with this one, "Fine. Fine, Eddie. You win."

"Insanity isn't easy, bucko.~"

Marco rolls his eyes as he hears the insane man speak; he moved up to him all of a sudden as he grabbed his shoulder, squeezing in the correct place to have his knees give out and injects him with something that'll cause him to calm down and be almost limp. He picks up Eddie as he plops him back down on the bed, making sure to make the ties to his binding more tighter; he didn't care if he cut off the circulation or not.

"I wish I had some fire..." Is all the Pyro-loving male speaks. It's been some time for Steven, or Ze. He's not one to speak too often. He was the calmest of them all. He was just thinking of the dancing flames that would encapsulate Marco and that just made him grin.

"You want fire, Pyro-Boy?" Marco holds up a Zippo Lighter up to him as he opens it, and flips the wheel to ignite the flame. Ze watches as the light flickers, sways and moves on its own accord. Marco grins even more as he moves the flame more closer, the hot tool nearly touching him. But little did Marco know, Ze loved fire; he called Pyro boy but he can play it off as if he hated it; and that's what he did. He coward away from it even though his intuitions wanted to just grab it and burn the doctor to a crisp.

"Oh you don't like fire anymore~?"

Ze shakes his head which causes the Doctor to pull it away, only to put it back, burning the skin now on Ze's face. He screamed, but in reality, he loved it. Fire was his drug and Marco was giving him his drug he needed so bad.

Meanwhile, back with the other boys, the quiet sarcastic male was just laying there contemplating things to himself but that's before his body twitches. He twitches as he felt something ignite within him to make him thrash around in the bed, getting free miraculously and stand up. Marco spun around from Ze as he holds the flame out to whomever it was as he spotted the sarcastic male standing face to face with him.

The male doesn't say anything; he just grabs the other male and grins, holding up one of his knifes as he does so. However, once he gives this sarcastically sadistic look, he fianlly speaks, his voice sounded pure venom.

"If you lay a single finger on my friends one more time. . . I will slice your neck open and have my love dance in the crimson rain. . ."


Don't cha just love Cliffhangers? I don't, but yay! I did one! Someone wanted Seamus to go ape-shit insane so here you go! Here's the start of it, my dear~! I have over two hours so I may actually finish this today! [Not the book! Just the Dr. Elliot Marco thingy.]

If you liked this part and you want to see more, let me know in the comments! If you want to request something to happen, someone to be in here, or just some cray shit, let me know as well! If you also liked this part, give it a star~! If you want to get to know me on a personal level or just fangirl about the Creatures or just blab, follow me on Twitter! @TheCreaturette. I bite. A lot. And, if you want, you can follow me.~ I'll appreciate it with a passion.~

I love you~!

~ SinfulWordMaster


~ The-Writer-Of-Sins.

The Mentally Ill - [ Creature Hub 'Insanity Series' ] ~ Book One. ~Where stories live. Discover now