The Mentally Ill - [ Creature Hub 'Insanity Series' ] ~ Book One. ~

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- Hello.~ I start too many fanfics or books and never finish any of 'em. Well I do eventually but boredom strikes and I get new ideas. Son of a whore. Ah well. This one I believe I will love to do. My specialty is gruesome, disturbing horror, mixed with sick, twisted smut. I'm a sick and twisted woman so why not put it to goo use.~?

WARNING: The Metally Ill is not a book for the faint of heart. This book will have several trigger warnings for those who are sensitive to cutting, blood, any sort of suicide, or self mutilation. As well as blood and gory details. There are several other things that will be in this, but this is just a short warning. If you are rather trigger happy and books like this trigger certain things that you may do, or think, please do not read. I don't wish to be the barer of your addictions if you have any. Again, this is not for the faint of heart.


The Colorado Institution for the Mentally Ill is an institution for several types of inmates to come – well, let's just say detox, – and try to make their lives from a living hell, to heaven on Earth. Not many people leave this place. Many go completely insane, die by natural causes, or commit suicide by overdose or self-hanging. There are bars on the windows so none of the so called inmates try and get out and just jump for it.

Now, let us introduce you to the main inmates who are the main focus of this institution, shall we~?

- Name: Jordan

- Alias: Kootra

- Reason: The male seems to have cases of schizophrenia as well as delusions and hearing of voices within his head. He seems to not be violent, but that is yet to come. He is known to be the calmest man within this institution and many look up to him, however, the doctors here are awaiting for this man to complete break and go psycho.

Kootra is within this place because he claims to see different types of things, calling them 'cats,' but he may call them that only because his mind makes up the illusion of the feline, but most likely he's seeing something far worse. He usually talks to himself, and kept to himself as well, unless he's with his little group of friends, then he seems rather normal. However, on his own, he's not normal.

- Name: Dan

- Alias: BatDanz

- Reason: Dan has seemed to go mentally insane after taking too many on-the-street drugs; the drugs messed with his mind and nearly made him into a vegetable due to high doses of several types of them. He overdosed on several occasions which is why he begs for more, though the doctors don't give him any. He seems to go into a fit if he does not get the drugs.


- Name: Eddie

- Alias: Sly

- Reason: Insanity. Eddie is one of our most insane inmates within this facility. He tends to laugh loudly as he speaks to himself, as well as talk about killing of others since it seems his voices in his head are telling him to do so.


- Name: Aleksandr; Aleks

- Alias: Immortal

- Reason: Lust. Lust is a sin, but how lust is done can mean different things. Aleks has had several cases of Necrophilia with his partners if he 'accidentally' kills them, or just acts of rage when someone doesn't give him what he wants. He shares a room with a friend of his as well as a partner for him to get rid of his sexual needs.


- Name: Seamus

- Alias: Sir Seamus of Halo. [Hah.]

- Reason:: Unknown. It seems this man has no mental problems, nor emotional problems. However, we don't see him too often, so we are not sure what he does on his own time if he's insane or anything of the sort. All we see are heavy signs of Sarcasm, which is, honestly, rather amusing.


- Name: Steven

- Alias: Ze

- Reason: Addiction to Fire. This boy seems to attract anything that revolves around fire. Lighters, candles, sparks. The poor boys even had some burns on his arms and face because of his addiction.


Name: Nick.

Alias: Sp00n; Sp00nerism

Reason: Cutting. There is no easy way to say it. He likes to cut up anything that he sees. Animals, people, furniture; humans and animals make a gruesome scene which is why he was sent here.


Name: James

Alias: Nova

Reason: Cannibalistic & Insanity Intentions. For some odd reason, he is the only one who is able to take the human flesh into his stomach and actually enjoy it. He seems to also hold intentions of insanity as he can't help but to go off anyone he's around, and just laugh it off after some time if something bad happens to them.


Name: Kevin

Alias: TomAnex

Reason: Unknown. His reason for coming here is heavily unknown, or rather confidentional. No one understands this man who has a voice that doesn't match his good looks. He's too good looking to be here. Why he's here, no one knows.


Name: Dex

Alias: Unknown.

Reason: Unknown. Like Kevin, this British man does not have a reason to be here. He's too attractive to be here as well, but everyone is here for a reason. One of these days, we may be able to find out why they are here..


This is pretty much an information prologue for this idea that I had and I hope it actually gets good hype cause I rally don't want to scrap it. Think of this book as a mix between the AU Creeptures and the Hit Horror TV show American Horror Story. [Murder House, Aslyum, Coven, Freak Show, don't matter.] This is gonna be heavy if you guys like it. So. I really hope you do.

If you liked this idea and want me to make more of it, please let me know in the comments, or maybe some ideas you guys want me to do. I can try and stick them in as well. If you sick people that I love also like this, give it a star~! And, if you want, you can follow me.~ I'll appreciate it with a passion.~

I love you~!

~ SinfulWordMaster.

The Mentally Ill - [ Creature Hub 'Insanity Series' ] ~ Book One. ~Where stories live. Discover now