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outfit above:

summary: Cindy and Y/N felt this hatred towards each other; always fighting and name calling. but maybe after all.. Cindy felt something different.

warnings: hella angst, fluff, homophobia🙄 if i missed anything let me know!:)

parings: Cindy x fem!reader


maybe it was wrong. was it?
Cindy watched her phone, as tons of people were going ballistic over what she had just posted.
she refreshed and watched as over 1000 people had seen the post. Cindys face filled with guilt as people begin to leave hateful comments.

immediately, Cindy begin to panic. "fuck.." she jumped off her bed, slipped her shoes on and walked out of her front door.


Y/N smiled at the cute girl she was on a date with. "you really are funny." Y/N took a bite of her spaghetti; as Natalie, finished talking about a childhood story.

"thank you.." Natalie blushed. "how's the food?" the date asked. "it's amazing!" Y/N put her fork down as a ding was heard from her phone.

"i'm so sorry, i thought i put this thing on silent." Y/N laughed nervously. she picked up her phone, eyebrows knitting together; in confusion as she saw all the notifications she got being tagged in a post.

"huh?" Y/N clicked on one of the notifications; the notification took her to a post by '@Cindy.Berman'

"you all right, Y/N/N?" Natalie asked, confused by Y/N facial expression. Y/Ns eyes began to water as she read the post about her.

"Y/N L/N, local shadyside lesbian. Y/N might look perfect on the outside but, she was a freak on the inside."

Y/N felt a tear slide down her face, she sprung of from her seat. "i-i...thanks for dinner, but i should be getting home." Y/N spoke; voice slightly cracking, due to holding in her sobs. Y/N grabbed her mini backpack, and left the table in a flash.

Natalie, was quite confused. Y/N was never seen crying, and she would never leave someone like that.


Y/N paced around her room, panicking. "how could Cindy do this to me?!" Y/N cried against her door; curled up in a ball. Cindy hated Y/N, but Y/N never knew this much. maybe Cindy was a cold hearted bitch; so much that she had to out her as Y/N as lesbian?!

so may thoughts ran threw Y/Ns mind; 'what would happen if my parents found out!?' 'i can never show my face again' 'freak...' 'i'm a monster..'

Y/N reached for her phone; to the side of her. she unlocked the phone and reopened the post. Y/N knew the comments weren't going to make things better, but she still continued to scroll through them.

'ew, lesbo-'

'that's disgusting'

'i can't believe i was friends with her LOL'


'kill yourself'

'you are a disgrace, to your family's name.'

Y/N covered her hand with hand; reading the comments. "am i really a freak.." Y/N whispered as tears ran down her face. Y/N put her phone down on the carpet next to her. she let her head fall back against the door and let out a shaky breath. "fuck."


i ran out of my house; not caring what i was wearing and ran to Y/Ns house. what the hell was i thinking? seriously!

i looked at the different numbers on the mailbox so i could find which one was hers. i stopped in front of a blue mailbox making sure the house was hers.


yup.. that's the right number. i took a shaky breath out and knocked on the door. "Y/N?" i said; hopefully, loud enough to get someone to answer.


i was laying on my bed, almost falling asleep; but then i heard a knock on my front door. i groaned getting up to go check who it was, if my mom and step dad weren't working so late at the office they would've been here to answer it.

i check myself out in the mirror to make sure i fix my hair and un puff my red eyes. i walk out of my room and down the hallway to tue front door. "hello?"


Y/N opened the door and saw Cindy standing there. "how dare you!" Y/N pointed a finger at her chest. "Y/N-" Cindy tried to explain but Y/N cut her off. "no! shut the fuck up! because of you, my life is ruined!" Y/N yelled coming out onto her porch, slamming the door when she stepped out.

"wait-" Cindy put her hands up trying to stop Y/N again. "fuck you, Cindy." tears streamed down Y/Ns face. not of sadness, but of rage. "Y/N, please.." Cindy shook her head. "no, i thought you would get better." Y/N really thought Cindy would grow out of that childish rude comments, and actions she would make and do but apparently not.

"no.." Cindy felt tears start to form. "Y/N don't say anything, please." the brunette begged. there was no way she could lose someone that important to her. "Cindy. go home." Y/Ns voice cracked. why did it hurt so bad telling someone she hated to go away? 

"please.. Y/N.." why did it hurt so bad? Cindy felt the tears run down her cheeks, no words were able to escape her mouth. "goodnight." Y/N wasn't able to look Cindy in the eyes. why did Y/N feel like a piece of her was just ripped out of her.

Y/N walked back into the house, leaving Cindy in the darkness; the only light source was coming from inside the house. 
Y/N closed the door and slid down. Y/N could feel that Cindy was still there but she didn't care. Y/N let out a loud sob, more tears came from Y/Ns red, sore eyes. "damnit!" Y/N managed to choke out.

A/N: school started for me so, i might not be as active for a few days; i will try and get part two out tomorrow or later tonight. lysm <3

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