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outfit above:

summary: for a while now you have had a crush on your best friend and you may have made a mistake...

warnings: fluff, angst, if i missed anything let me know!:)

parings: Kate x fem!reader


*Ring ring ring*

Y/N set down her apple on the kitchen counter next to her and walked over to the phone.


"hey, Y/N/N, it's kate."

"oh, shit. what's up?"

"are you busy this weekend? can you hang for a few days?"

"hmm i'm super popular so let me check my schedule.."

*kate laughed*

"ha ha.."

"i'll be over in 15."

"see you soon, lover girl"

*kate hung up*

Y/N smiled. She's had a HUGE crush on Kate for a few months now, maybe it was time to tell her? before the crush, they were best friends. tonight was the night Y/N was going to come clean.

Y/N grabbed some outfits and stuffed them into her duffel bag. She zipped up tue duffel bag and slug the strap over her head and let the bag hang by her side.

Y/N walked to Kates house trying out all of the ways to say that she liked her. "hey, kate! i'm in love with you, kiss me!"

"no.. not that one.."

"so, this girl-"

"does kate even like girls! ugh.."

Y/N groaned, "i'll just never tell her."

*arriving at Kates house*

Y/N walked up the steps of the porch and knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer; Kate opened the door.

*Kates POV*

I was looking at a magazine when someone had knocked on the door. I got up from the table and opened the door; Y/N..

"Oh, Hey!" I smiled at Y/N, she looked nervous.. was she scared?!

"hey.." Y/N awkwardly smiled and laughed.

"come in, you can put your bag in my room, come on i'll show you." I waved at Y/N to follow me.


I followed Kate up her stairs and down this small hallway to get to her bedroom where i'm guessing we would spend most of our time.

"here, just put your bag on my bed." Kate opened her door, wow her room was pretty cool. some posters of bands were hung up and she had small little twinkle lights twisted in her metal bed frame.

"cool room." I looked around and dropped my bag on her bed. "thanks! i think i might change a few things though.." Kate stood next to me.

I looked at her; her eyes were so pretty, dark eyes almost like a night sky. my eyes flickered to her mouth; lips pink and plump, they definitely looked kiss able.

*Third person POV*

Y/N grabbed the sides of Kates head and smashed their lips together; lips tangled together. Kate pulled away

"oh- i.. i'm sorry, i shouldn't have done that." Y/N freaked out, "i should go." not thinking about grabbing her bag she ran out of the room, and out of the house.

hot tears streaming down Y/Ns face, mentally shaming herself for that dumb stupid kiss. Y/N didn't stop running till she got to that old playground Y/N and Kate first met.

Y/N climbed up the slide all the way to the top; which wasn't far up. She sat on the platform, moving her legs up wrapped her arms around them like she was giving them a hug.

Y/N hid her face in her knees as she pretended the world didn't exist. hot tears still streaming down her face and now letting out heavy breaths and small whimpers.

*Kates POV*

Y/N ran out of the house, before i could kiss her back. i was honestly super surprised at her actions. i thought she didn't like girls?

i grabbed my jacket and ran down the street to try and find Y/N. i wanted to confess and make things right

i walked straight passed her house knowing for sure she wasn't going to be there. the only place she loved to hang out was the old playground..

our happy place..

i entered the playground and opens the gate to see Y/N huddled up, and what sounded to be crying, from on top of the platform.

"Y/N?" i called up from the step.

*Y/Ns POV*

"Y/N?" a female voice called from below, i lifted my head up to see Kate. "i- i'm so sorry, Kate.." I sniffled. "hold on, i'm coming up." Kate yelled back up to me. i just wiped my tears and nodded.

heavy steps were heard from the slide, Kate was climbing up.

"Hey.." Kate sat next to me, i just looked at the ground. "Y/N?" Kate grabbed my chin. "look at me, baby." my eyes went wide and i fixed my glaze onto her.

Kate scooted closer to me so now our thighs were touching, and pulled me in for a kiss. our lips barely touching Kate asked, "can i kiss you?" I nodded and she smiled.

this kiss was way more passionate and loving then the first time, and it felt like fire. our lips locking, heat radiating from her lips. Kate bit my bottom lip, slightly sucking on it.

Kate grabbed the back of my neck and pulled back, my eyes still closed and lips slightly swollen. "wow." i turned my head away from hers and smiled.

"i love you." Kate confessed.

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