Young Nick<3

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parings: young nick x gn!reader (gender neutral)

summary: snow day :)

warnings: second hand embarrassment, cringy lovers, pet names: love, and baby, and profanity, enjoy:)!

"Y/N!!!" Nick called you from downstairs, he made it sound super important so you rushed down the stairs without thinking twice. "WHAT! WHAT HAPP-" you stopped mid sentence to see Nick, wrapped up in thick clothing stiff like a rock. "nick.. honey.. what are you doing.." you asked genuinely, concerned.

"yeah! i'm fine! let's go play in snow!" he waddled towards the door. you laughed out loud, "alright i'll be out in a second.." you rolled your eyes going back up the stairs.

a few minutes later you walked out of the house, literally waddling just like your boyfriend. "i. hate. this." you groaned, "why did i agREE-" you reached for anything you could grab; which sadly was nothing, landing on your butt you sighed.

"im gonna cry." you whined frowning, nick chuckled reaching for your hand. "come on, love. it's not that bad." Nick rolled his eyes.

"it is.. it really is." Y/N watched the ground carefully. "im only doing this because-" Y/Ns words were mumbled by a snow ball hitting their face.

"NICK." Y/N yelled, wiping the freezing cold snow off their face. "why do things always interrupt me!" Y/N stomped their foot making them fall over.

"i'm so done. i hate this!" Y/N flailed their arms in the cold air. Nick laughed, "yeah maybe the cold isn't your thing.. let's go back inside." Nick lifted Y/N up and placed a hand on their hip to keep them stable. "i hate the cold."

"alright, baby." Nick handed them a hot coco, Y/N was bundled up in a mound of blankets and fuzzy socks on their feet. "thank you!" Y/N smiled before taking a sip of their drink, warming their body. Nick sat beside Y/N, watching whatever cheesy Christmas movie that Y/N had put on.

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