Jesse's POV
I go in the door then I shut the door behind me and it's the mafia bosses wife that we met for coffee just a couple days ago, tied to a chair, duct tape over her mouth in the master bedroom. She just keeps screaming behind the tape and I say "shhh, I'm gonna get you out, you have to be quiet though, ok?" She quickly nods, her mascara running from tears and I take the tape off and I carefully untie her and I crouch in front of her and I say "who did this?" She puts hands over her wrists and she says "my husband" just crying and I say "what happened there?" She says "I feel dizzy" and I grab a towel from the en suite bathroom and I hold them on her wrists and she almost screams in pain and I say "what happened, honey?" She says "I did something I wasn't supposed to" and I say "you aren't in trouble, what happened, I'm worry for your safety" and she says "I confronted him about what he's doing tonight before it started and I tried to get him to not do it and wed just have a fun time tonight. Then he told me to never speak of it again, tied me up and slit my wrists all in ten minutes" just crying and I say "ok, it's ok, honey, let me tell you what were gonna do, ok?" She nods tiredly and I say "were going to patch your wrists up, call an ambulance then I'm gonna get a squad out here and were going to take care of him ok, you won't even have to see him, ok?" She sobs saying "promise?" I nod and she says "just make sure my family is ok?" I say "they will be just fine, ok?" She nods quickly and I say "I cant fix your wrists myself" and I call nine one one and I say "Jesse Rae, agent number sixteen ninety eight fifty four, I need an ambulance and a squad to arrest and bring approximately fifteen people in for question, ambulance is urgent, deeply slit wrists on both arms, almost to the bone with a kitchen knife, first bedroom on the left side, second floor, thank you." The dispatch says "we have an ambulance and a squad on their way, ambulance two minutes, the squad in ten" and I say "have the ambulance wait, no one come in, I'll bring her to you, sirens off" and the dispatch says "yes, sir, sending orders now" and we hang up. I say "stay awake, honey, you're doing great, ok?" She nods saying "ok" and I say "I saw a back staircase, would we be able to make an exit without people seeing?" She nods saying "yeah, it's more stairs but no ones there" and I say "we gotta go now, you gotta hold the towel for now, ok?" She nods and she carefully holds her wrists together like she's going to get handcuffed and I put my arm around her waist saying "you're doing great ok?" She nods and we go down two flights of stairs into the entry area where I came in and we go outside and there's an ambulance waiting there and we go over there and she says "can you deliver a message to my husband?" I nod and she says "tell him to fuck himself" and I say "ok" and Vanessa, one of the nurses, says "two knife wounds on the wrists, right on arteries assumed" and I walk her over. Vanessa gives orders as she looks at her wrists then. I hear a "Jesse, we'll take it from here" and I say "thank you" and I go inside and I look to see if there's any blood on me and there's none surprisingly and I go and stand next to Brynn at the bar and he mumbles "what happened?" I mumble "he left wife upstairs tied up, left to die" and he mumbles "that's who we were missing, is she ok?" I nod mumbling "just came back from handing her off to an ambulance" and he nods mumbling "ok, everyone's here" and I nod mumbling "ok, good, lets keep it that way. Squad will be here in ten minutes" and he nods mumbling "ok, I think we deserve that hotel room tonight" and I mumble "definitely." It's just been cheek kisses every now and again and flirting and sometimes it gets to sexting some nights but it's never gone super far for us at all. I have a feeling that we have been around the block a few times each so we know that once we hit that room, were going to be in a whole different world to each other even though we might already be there in the back of our minds. Coworkers to tearing shirts and dresses off, not caring if shirt buttons fall to the ground all in a few hours. There's a knock on the door and it feels like everything stops and one of the mafia bosses kids say "I'll get it" and the boss says "I'm gonna go check on my wife, Layla, wanna come?" His daughter looks at me, panicked just like her mom was a few minutes ago and I shake my head and I mouth 'come here' and she says "no thanks, I wanna talk to people some more." She comes over as he goes upstairs and she quietly says "where the fuck is my mom? What happened to my mom?" I say "she's ok, she's safe, she's at the hospital, he tried to kill her but I got her out" and she hugs me saying "thank you so much" and I say "you're welcome, a squad is going to be here in a few minutes to take him out of here" and she mumbles "the other mafia guys are here I heard, they all have guns, there's ten of them." I mumble "I have more than enough coming I think" and she says "they aren't scared" and I mumble "we aren't either" and she nods mumbling "ok, I'm ready when you are" and I mumble "well, we have to be ready now" as a squad of five people come in.

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