Chapter Five

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I pour some hot water into a mug for me and Heath.

We went back to Sage's place, where he is nowhere to be found.

"Chamomile or mint?" I ask.

He motions his hand around. "Whichever tastes better."

I finish getting our tea ready. "So are you going to tell me what happened?"

He looks at me. "When I went inside, she was passed out drunk on the kitchen floor. I ran up to my room and got my bag and just to be safe I threw the bag out,"

He takes a sip of the tea I gave him. "When I walked downstairs she woke up. When she saw me, she looked.. angry. She slammed her hand on the table and got up in my face asking where you where."

I look down. "You didn't tell her anything did you?"

"Course not. I ignored her pretty good. She didn't hit me or anything, she just walked upstairs."

I breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't hurt him.

"Is it good if Isaac comes to pick me up? We're gonna hang out and he just got his license."

I tense up. What if something happens and I can't do anything about it?

Calm down. I tell myself.

"I guess that's fine, but be home before 1 am."

He smirks and goes to get some stuff outta his bag.

A little while passes, Heath gets picked up and I just watch tvd.

I decide to walk out onto the balcony in Sage's room and look out. He lives in an amazing apartment, with an incredible view of the city.

"Like the view?" I spin around.

Sage standing in the doorway.

"Like is an understatement, this is beautiful."

"Just like you." He puts his arm around me. I sniff.

"You're drunk? It's 9 pm."

"Shhhhhhhh." He rocks back and forth on his feet by the balcony.

I pull him back. Damn, hard as a rock. "Jesus Sage, quit it."

He then pins me up against the balcony. "Or what." He basically whispers.

I look up into his eyes. He stares into mine, then glances at my lips.

He trails his hand up my back. I look over his shoulder at the gorgeous view. It smelled like cologne. Wait that's Sage's scent.

I then lock my eyes back with his. I will admit he does look drunk as a skunk, but he looks so good.

I inhale a breath as he trails his finger on my lower lip and then slightly puts it in my mouth.

We break eye contact as press my lips to his.

He kisses back, roughly. I ignore the stench of alcohol and we make our way back into the bedroom.

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