C9: The Stranger

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Jaydee's POV (Present)

"Hi." The first word I uttered when I entered her room. She didn't even bother to look at me this woman suddenly got attitude problem? Anyway my wife's still in the hospital the doctor said she still need to stay for a day or two for observation. 

"What are you up to?" I persistantly ask her.
"Sleeping." She boredly responded.

"Right." Right, haha stupid what else would she do inside a hospital.

"I brought you some clothes." I said badly wanting to change the topic God swallow me now earth.

"Thank you." She said and then smile at me. Don't you really remember me mahal?

"And I also brought you sunflower, remember you always had one inside our room" I said trying to hand her a stem of sunflower.

To my surprise, my wife just plainly look at me. She has this unfamiliar stern look, I guess she doesn't remember the flower either. She diverted her gaze and didn't even take the flower.

"Okay you don't like sunflower? What flower do you like?" I ask but she ignored my question.

"I'm kind of hungry." my wife said.

"Okay. Come on." I said as I grabbed my wife's hand and we went to the hospital's cafeteria.

"So, I just wanted to verify
a few things with you about me,

about us." She said as if what happened between us is just a one time thing. Queen why are breaking my heart way too harsh?

"Great." I replied seemingly loosing my hope.
"So, we're married?" Frances asked and smile while sitting across me. Does she even realize how painful is it for me? Or she just doesn't care at all.

"Yes." I replied shortly.

"Yeah. And I have weird hair." She said hinting a bit sound of disappointment.

"I think that's taking a narrow view.

You said it takes too long to straighten

and you'd rather use that time
to work in your studio." I explained to her.

"My studio? Why do I have a studio?" She asked, now she seems genuinely interested.

"You're an artist." I simply answered as I stared at her while talking a sip at my coffee.

"Sculptor. A really good one.

Right now, you're working on four pieces
for the Tribune Tower lobby,

which is huge.

Everyone in town wanted that commission.

But your show at the MCA's 12 x 12
was amazing, so you won it." I continued as if I was telling a bed time story to a kid. She's just look amaze and like she can't believe it herself.

" What about my law degree?

I don't have a law degree?" She asked remembering after law school. Great so she remembers that and not me? How the fuck did her memory turn into a Russian Roulette? It this what chocolate does? Fuck.

"I think you were a few credits shy." It's a fact. That's what she told me when we fooled around back then. I can still remember she loves to tell me about her every after making love sesh. I miss my wife's embrace.

"Last time I wanted to be an artist,
I was in high school." Great now she's confused.

"I think you need to look at it like a win." I said trying to cheer her up.

"Traumatic brain injury is a win?" she sarcastically respond. Yes wife a win I gues you also forget the part why you move here in Illinois in the first place.

"You're an idiot. Why are you wearing a suit anyways this is a hospital ?"  That's a lot more insult coming from you wife. I sighed.

"I have worked today. I own a recording company." I'm exhausted from work and my wife's embraced used to remove all my tiredness. I look at her and gave her a forced smile. After eating I brought her back to her room. Tomorrow I'm going to transfer her to a private room.

At the company's studio.

" If she doesn't remember who you are,

then she doesn't remember
all the stupid shit you ever did." Said Ate Gia stating what's obvious.

"You can start over, wipe the slate clean." Gabb seconded.

"I'm just worried if she doesn't remember you,

how's she going to remember
she's in love with you? What?" Amy said and everyone shush her.

"I was frankly a little stunned
she went for you the first time.

If anything, you've become less attractive." Ate Brei said. Here she goes again with her harsh words.

"You guys are a great support system." I told them with overflowing sarcasm.

"Seriously, though.
What if she doesn't remember me?

Then what?" I asked them seriously.

"She's gonna remember you.
She's gonna remember all of us.

We're her family." Ate ecka said as she and ate Belle went to me for a hug and as expected everyone jumoed in. I think I'll be the one who'll have brain injury they are all heavy y'all.

"Yeah, you're right."

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