chap.1 -normal

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It was a nice Monday morning,i sat up from bed and looked around.

all there was were book's, game's, and a skateboard, they were all i could afford since my mother would never give her up money for anything but stinky drug's.

I walk up to my mirror and start to brush my hair. As i brush through my locks i start to think about my schoolmates, they've all way's hated me just because im different,I've always been different.

i pull my hair hair away from my green eyer and into a high ponytail, i put on a quick skater outfit and head to school.

As i enter into school i could see the popular girl's Laughing at something, probably someone. As i walk past them i hear there Rachel and her 'friends' speaking about me.

The head of this group is rachel, i've known her since we were kids, used too be best friends, ever since she returned from europe in middle school shes been nothing but an ass. Shes is the kind off girl you don't want to mess with. Perfect body, above average hight for a woman, eye's that shown in the moonlight, She has everyone in this school wrapped around her perfectly manicured finger, except me of course. I would never fall for her and her perfectly smooth skin, or her soft lips, and heavenly voice. She rich enough buy this whole school, and thinks she entitled to everyones business. Just thinking about her makes me upest.

"Look at that dumbass, i bet she doesn't even know basic math." She Giggles, sneering at me. As i continue to walk pass i give her my middle finger,

As i walk up the uneven stairs to my locker i trip over the last stair, i feel myself falling to the ground until two strong hands grab me.

" are you alright love?"

A British voice questions.
I look up to see a brown haired stranger, with silky brown mid length hair, and gorgeous, entrancing brown eyes.
"Um hello, are you ok" the man questions

"uh yeah im fine" i say as he helps me too my feet. "Had quite the fall there" he was so handsome i could barely breathe " y-ya i guess so" he smile's, that handsome smile at me and winks "don't fall to hard for me now" of course how could i forget.

Meet our resident play boy harry styles, has dated everyone in school, and is currently dating Rachel. Once i realized who it was i snatched my arm away and grabed my book and walked away as quickly as possible. As i speedily walk to my next class i see Rachel again.As i walk past her i smell her heavenly perfume, wishing she, and her stupid boyfriend, would dissaper.


Class just ended and of course harry wants to continue our previous interaction.

"What do you want harry" i sigh as i look at him, "woah why so hostile kitty" I look at him and glare

"don't call me that" he smirks "what are you gonna do if i don't?" as i began to answer i notice a heavenly perfume and smirk "maybe call your girlfriend" as i say that Rachel reaches for harrys shoulder and pulls him off of my desk "what are you doing" she says surprisingly calm i would have expected her to be seething.

As they talk i start to zone out i begin to notice more things about 'perfect' Rachel, how her hands move when she talks, the way her taps her feet, maybe the way her hips sway slightly. She way too perfect, part of the reason i hate her so much.

I eventually notice that i had been zoned out for to long and they had left. "Shit" i say as i hurry to pack the rest of my bag.


I barely make it home to see mother passed out on the couch. Im thankful as it means i wont have to deal with her for the rest of the day.

I hed to my room and get to thinking about what had happened earlier today while i lay on my bed. Why was harry so persistent in talking to me, why wasn't Rachel upset, and the worst question of all why was i flustered by harry


As i walk down the aisle i see harrys ever handsome in his suit smiling at me.i continue walking and stop bedsides harry, i turn to the marriage officiant, we exchange our vows and rings, i kiss harry only to open my eyes and see Rachel.

"AHHHH" i scream as i wake up. I breathe heavily as i try to recover.

"That must have been a nightmare" i say to my self before i hear my mother shout

"SHUT UP YOU WHORE". She's been like this ever since my dad went in for military service two years ago. I hate every second of my home life thanks to her. She doesn't hit me, she's too smart for that, but she makes sure that as long as im home im with her ill never be happy

Hopefully i don't see Rachel today. I get ready as usual and run out as fast as i can to avoid mother.


School is boring as usual, but thankfully i don't run into Rachel or harry. I decided to take the route around the school today to waste time and see harry running around shirtless.
Harry's the star player for the soccer team but he usually doesn't show up so this is rare.

I cant help but stare until i feel someone's gaze one me. I turn around and see Rachel glaring at me.

"Well look at what we have here" she says slyly "the girl form yesterday, y/n was it" she smirks and looks to the side " i see you're looking at harry, isn't he just so handsome is what i bet you're thinking right now,right." i get flustered "w-what why would i ever think that" she begins walking closer to me "i saw how you were looking at him yesterday" i begin to get defensive

"i wasn't looking at him in any way" she pins her hand next to my face and leans in with a somewhat predatory look in her eye's " oh please, you don't have to lie,i would actually be shocked if you weren't attracted to harry." She continues talking and leans away from my face"im only trying to to warn you" she leans even closer to me then last time"he's a player remember,don't get to attached"

she slides her hand to her side and takes her leave. As she walks away she speaks again "also might wanna get checked out, your face is all red" she says. I can't help but scream at her" YEAH BECAUSE YOUR FACE MAKES ME ANGRY" she looks back rolls her eyes and walks completely out of view.


As i sit on the floor reading my book o couldn't help but think about Rachel. She makes me so angry that my face goes red, and she thinks i like her loser boyfriend. I mean even if i did how would i compete with her i like she has perfects grades, takes jujitsu, piano lessons, and works at the homeless shelter on the weekends. That's not even mentioning how her hair blow's in the wind, or how her voice sounds like the singing of angel's. How am i supposed to compete with that any way, i would look stupid trying too.

I hate Rachel so much

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