chap.4 -bahh

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As i walked home i began to notice someone following me. I didn't want them knowing where i lived so i decided to walk around the block a few times.

As i walked i began to notice the stranger getting closer. I pulled out my phone and began calling the first person i could think of,My mom. The phone rang three times before someone picked up. Unfortunately no one actually picked up and it went to voicemail.

As i panicked it didn't seem to register that i had stopped walking, which if you couldn't tell was a bad thing. The stranger grabbed my wrist. As you would expect i started to scream. The stranger, grips there hand over my mouth to silence me.

As i kick and scream the stranger forcefully drags me into the nearest alleyway. The stranger turns me around and bushes me against the wall,entrapping my hands in theirs.

The stranger leans in and speaks. "Never speak to him again" the whisper. "W-who" i say. "Harry, stay away from harry. He doesn't belong to you" whispers the stranger in a threatening voice.

As i struggled i begin to remember the combat my father had taught me before he left. I kick the stranger off of me, once they were pushed back a bit i punched them in the stomach. I pulled out my tazer for good measure and ran away.

I couldn't go to sleep due to the somewhat traumatic event earlier that day, so i decided to go on my phone. As i scrolled i noticed someone from my school had posted something. Look further i noticed it was something about harry. I decided to ignore them. It wouldn't be hard, after all i dont use socal media anyway. It just a place girls go to berate each other. But im not like other girls am i.

I woke up and decided to wear something a little more revealing today. Guess the adrenaline from yesterday is getting to me.

As i walk into school i notice everyone mumbling and looking at me. I figured it was just them trying to pick on me until i notice jarry smirking. He never looks at me like that unless he's up to something. With that thought in mind i quickly head to class.

During the begining of class we had been alerted that our teacher had quit. None of us were to sad about it though, she wasn't the best teacher. As he explained i guess our new teacher walked in, but i wasn't paying much attention. As he introduced himself i began to notice, his voice sounded very familiar, almost as if I'd meet him before. I looked up and,to my surprise it was the guy from the park. "Jin Matsushita, moved here from Japan when i was around 8 and I've lived in the states ever since, however i am new to this town so there a lot i might not know about this place." When he finished he smiled. I swear his smile is brighter than the sun itself. He wore a suit that fit him perfectly, his shoulder length hair was pulled back in a neat manner. There was nothing imperfect about him. As he began the lesson i could only think about how fortune it was to have someone i knew at lest a little as my teacher.

After class was over i noticed that i hadn't seen Rachel in a few days, im kinda worried now. Pushing thoughs thoughts away, i noticed harry had been ignoring me for a while. I was grateful. I decided id wait for jin in bavk of the school. As he finally arrived i noticed hus eyes were weird, to say the least. He walks twords me i call out to him but he doesn't stop walking until he eventually pins me against the wall, i open my mouth but heat rose from my stomach to my chest. His lips were getting closer. I parted my lips,he leaned in.

the feel of his frame leaning on mine as his arms wrapped around me felt nearly forbidden. His hands grabbing at my clothing and pulling me we parted for a brief moment only to words were said "you're mine". Our foreheads pressed together, our lips brush, just barely, until he pulls away with a shaking exhale, forehead dropping into my neck.

I feel a sharp prick in my neck. The world begins to spin and the last word i hear "mine"

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