You Princess Carry them (Genshin Impact)

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Headcanon: C/C has been complaining/showing signs of their legs or feet being tired and you felt bad so you decided to carry them home.

Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli

Diluc's been having a rough day dealing with both a drunk Venti and Kaeya, so when he ran into some hydro slices and hilichurls that didn't help his mood. He was practically dragging his body to the Dawn Winerg when he saw a familiar silhouette running towards him.

M/N immediately noticed his lovers down mood and instantly started to dote on him the moment he reached him.

"Darling what's wrong?" M/N asked when he reached Dilucs desk. "Nothing love, just a rough day" Diluc sighed and buried his face in his hands.

M/N furrowed his eyebrows while staring at his lover, but then got the perfect idea. Diluc tends to overwork himself, he's so emerged into his work that he sometimes doesn't even realize how much time has gone by unless someone tells him, and that someone is 95% M/N and 5% Adeline.

M/N rushed to Dilucs side and suddenly wrapped his arms around Dilucs waist and legs and lifted him up.

"WA- M/N!!! PUT ME DOWN?!?!" Diluc wiggled around, trying to get out of M/N's arms, but M/N quickly sent him a glare and he immediately stopped. M/N wasn't the type to just glare at people unless he's really upset, so that sent a warning to Diluc to stay still.

The rest of the way was quite to Dilucs room, but the man himself felt his heart rate increase 10000% more then normal. Diluc knows that he can overwork himself, so he mostly depends on M/N to tell him to stop, but he's never done anything like this so it makes Dilucs heart beat faster. Diluc slowly got used to M/Ns warmth and leaned into his chest, then M/N feels his breath steady. Diluc fell asleep in his arms.

Kaeya is a drama queen, so it's no surprise to anyone that he'd want M/N's attention 24/7. Although today, Kaeya felt down, no one knows any since he wouldn't tell anyone, not even Diluc or M/N.

So M/N thought of a plan, he already knows Kaeya loves his attention, so M/N wanted to give him just that. He made his way to Kaeya's office and barged in.

"Kaeya?" M/N saw Kaeya stuck behind his desk with a mountain of paperwork on both sides of his desk, he looks up from the sound of his lovers voice. "Oh, hey love" Kaeya stretches his arms and gave out a long yawn.

M/N immediately rushed to Kaeyas side and picked him up bridal style. "M-M/N???" Although you can't see Kaeyas visible eyes you could tell he's flustered by how red his ears are, and his hands fumbling with each other.

M/N ignored him and casually walked out of the knights headquarters, still carrying Kaeya in his arms and made his way to his house, both knights and citizens watching them interact, with Kaeya covering his face in embarrassment.

M/N spent the rest of his day pampering and thing on Kaeya, although Kaeya complains about it, they both know he loves it.

Childe tends to be very dramatic, just as dramatic as Kaeya, so he's almost Kaeyas twin when it comes to his lovers attention. Childe always finds ways to get M/Ns attention, whether it be a good way or not.

Today Childe was feeling very touch starved, so when M/N suggested they go shopping he almost jumped through the ceiling. He quickly rushed to M/Ns side by the stores, and the whole time Childe was touching and rubbing M/Ns arms, trying to get any kind of physicl affection from the man.

M/Ns of course immune to these, since it is Childe he's dating, but he's never seen Childe so touchy with him before. Not that it made him uncomfortable, he was just curious on why Childe was suddenly acting like this. When Childe finally gave M/N a break, he was analyzing everything about Childe.

He suddenly realized that they haven't really seen each other that often, so he came to the conclusion that Childe just missed him. Even though Childes a good lier, M/N can see right through him, so to help Childes touch starved life he did the only thing he could think of.

He sprinted towards Childe, scaring him in the process, and swooped him up in his arms, it was lime a scene from a drama. "M/N!!" Childe already loved this attention, he was flustered, but it's not like he ever cared about what others thought about what he did. So he immediately snuggled against M/N's chest, a light shade of red dusting his cheeks. This was the best date they'd ever had jn a while.

Zhongli is a very civilized man, his posture and speaking is near to perfect. So that's exactly why M/N loved surprising him, he wanted to see another expression on Zhongli that's not just stoned face.

In the middle of a date M/N started thinking of ways to flustered Zhongli, or get any clear reaction from him. He tried ticking him, touching him vaguely, flirting, but nothing seems to work on Zhongli. M/N was considering giving up on it and just enjoying his time with Zhongli, who keeps on mentioning Osmanthes wine, it is a rare occasion that they both get to spend time together for so long.

But M/N though of another idea when shamelessly staring at Zhonglis ass, so he got to action. He picked Zhongli up lie. He weighed nothing and cradled him in his arms. "M-M/N what are you doing?" Zhongli looked down, an attempted to hide his embarrassed face from M/N, but M/N saw it anyways.

M/N felt like he was on cloud 9, he made a stupid expression, but at least it was happy, he finally got to see Zhonglis cute expression.

A/N: hehehehehhehehehehehehehhehehe............. I'm gonna pretend lie I wasn't gone for like a year.......😅🙂.............hehe

OK but I'm sorry for being gone for so long, I have no excuse I was just lazy...... and had no inspiration...... yeah luv ya ❤

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