Chapter VIII

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The morning after the night was quiet

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The morning after the night was quiet. Everyone was getting ready to head to Hogwarts and Emery couldn't help the pang of sadness that flooded her. The thought of having to go without her baby till Christmas was dreadful. 

She was so busy moping she didn't realise what room she's walked into. Surrounding her, was a room filled with absolutely nothing. Right in the middle of the room, sat a beautiful piano. It was slightly worn down but the keys were still tuned. 

Sitting down softly, she pressed down on middle C. A mellow tone echoed the room, as a small smile lit her face. Before she knew it her fingers were flying across the piano at a steady pace. Cannon in D filtered through the room, brightening it slightly. 

She shut her eyes, before slowly pressing the keys down. The memories flooded her head as she continues to play it, memories from another life. 

"What are you doing" a voice demanded. Startled, Emery jumped slightly in the seat. Upon seeing Sirius she calmed down. She smiled but stopped when she was the serious look on his face. 

"I found this room, I saw the pian-" she started but was interrupted by Sirius. 

"Who said you could touch it?" he growled. 

"Excuse me" she stated, pausing to glance and see if he was actually serious. 

"Who said you could play the fucking piano" he ground out. His face slowly ceasing to show any emotion. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't rea-" 

"No, you didn't. Get out" he grunted. 

Deciding to pick her own battles, she slowly got up. She exited the room, pausing to glance at the man. When she turned, she found his glare situated on her. Scoffing under her breath, she continued to move down the stairs. 

"Filthy mudbloods, blood traitors. Ruining my house" A woman screamed from a portrait. 

Talking portraits had taken her a while to get used to. She thought they were all talking but later found out no so much when Harry had allowed her to talk to a picture for an hour straight. 

"Can I help you?" she asked the portrait. The portrait paused glancing at the girl once over. Now, everyone knows this portrait to be the famous Walburga Black. Everyone except Emery of course. 

"No my dear" Walburga spoke. her voice had calmed down considerably at the sight of the woman in front of her. 

"Oh, that's good" Emery smiled. She was about to turn before Walburga started talking again. 

"How are you my dear" she spoke, voice soft. 

"I'm alright" she replied hesitantly

"Oh, you don't have to pretend you don't know" she snickered. 

"Know what?" 

"I know all your secrets little dove" she spoke, her voice changed rather fast from the soothing one to a snark tone. 

Emery felt her bones chill. No one called her that. No one still alive. She turned slowly to the woman in the frame. 

"Oh, he showed me your stupid photographs all the time," she screamed. Her voice was full of hatred. "You were his favourite daughter!" 

Emery was frozen when footsteps alerted her of another presence. She slowly glanced at the portrait before flashing her gold eyes. Almost instantly, the curtains closed locking in the hate-filled woman. 

Turning around she came face to face with Sirius, he still held a glare but it had softened significantly. When he noticed the portrait before her, his glare hardened again. He scoffed before walking away. 

Luckily, Emery didn't notice. She was staring way too hard at Walburga's portrait. She turned to head downstairs, eyes furrowed in worry. 

She sat at the dining table but was unusually quiet. Remus glanced to his right to see her picking at her food. He then glanced at Sirius, to see him clutching his fork in a fist. Shaking his head softly, he returned back to his food. 

Harry himself was confused. He'd never seen his mother so out of it. 

"Mama" he spoke. 

"Yeah baby" she replied. 

"You alright" he questioned. As if noticing the question Sirius glanced at her. He hoped he hadn't gone too far with what he said. 

"Mhmm" she mumbled, glancing up the hallway. 

"Do you need a hug?" he asked. 

Emery couldn't help the shit-eating grin that fell on her face. She raised her head and placed a hand on her heart, acting wounded. 

"Oh please Romeo, Save thy dying soul" she sang. Everyone around stifled their laughs at the look of disbelief on Harry's face. 

"I take that back" he muttered, standing up. 

"No take backsies," she screamed giddily, she rugby tackled him onto the ground and refused to move. 

The atmosphere significantly lightened after the play the two held. 

Everyone soon settled down to talk about the prefect badges Hermione and Ron received. 

Now Harry and Emery had already congratulated them in their very own special way of course meaning they bowed every time either of them entered the room. Ron was especially happy with the gig and decided to join in, acting as if he were king. Hermione on the other hand sat them down and lectured them on the importance of their job for an hour. 

"I'm gonna go shower" Emery muttered. Slowly getting up and stretching her tired limbs. 

Heading upstairs she passed a corridor that Sirius had told them was out of bounds and not to be entered. Approaching the corridor she wandered down until she found a door to a man she loved a while ago. 

Opening the door, she glanced inside. It looked exactly the same but there were a few tweaks here and there. She walked further into the room before pulling open a few drawers and admiring small bits and pieces. 

She found a small Jewellery box, which when opened showed small motion pictures from back in the day. Grabbing all of them, she strolled back to her room before holding them over the bin. 

She lit them one by one, watching as the moving pictures burnt into crisps. Holding the last one, she twirled it in her hands before analysing the photo. She wanted to keep it. She knew she shouldn't have and most definitely should have burnt it along with the others. But something deep inside her yearned to keep it. 

After all, the memories of your past do come back to haunt you. 

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