Chapter XXIII

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It was currently 1 am in the morning and Emery was in a dilemma

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It was currently 1 am in the morning and Emery was in a dilemma. Maybe not a serious one, but one that needed her dire attention.

She was hungry. 

She had dinner but found herself craving fruit loops. Grimmauld place did not have fruit loops and you could clearly see where the problem started. She tried to forget about it and think about Harry and what he might be up to but that somehow linked back to the sugary cereal. 

Emery pulled on Sirius's jumper that she found rummaging through his cupboard. Sirius and Emery tended to sleep together after that afternoon. Remus and Tonks had walked in on the pair and Tonks couldn't stop fangirling over them and decided that she needed them to be together. And in order to achieve this goal, she turned Emery's room into a gym. Why? Who knows, but now she was rooming with Sirius. Not that either of them minded.

"What are you doing up?" Sirus questioned, snuggling into the pillow she had laid on previous to getting up. 

"I'm hungry" she claimed, looking at him as if he was meant to do something. Sirius made a noise that sounded like he understood before burying himself into the thick covers. Emery strolled over to him, jumping on top so she was straddling his back. 

"Get up" she whined, poking him in the shoulder.

"Noo" he moaned. 

"You have to come with me" she complained as she tried to wake up the sleeping man. Sirius rolled back so that Emery and he were face to face. 

"What do I get out of it" he whispered, gazing at her in the dark. It was hard to distinguish her features but he could tell it was her just by her ocean scent. 

"I'll buy you ice cream" she sang, and without much effort, Sirius was up and ready to go. The two of them were about to stroll out of the house when Emery felt a tug on the back of her hoodie. 

"Where do you think you two are going" Remus reprimanded. 



Both Sirius and Emery said before glancing at each other and frowning at their miscoordination. 

"You do realise it is nearly 2 in the morning" Remus checked. The two had the worst sleep schedule and loved padding around the house. With Remus's sensitive hearing, he almost always woke up to it.

"Yes," Emery said sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck.

"What could you possibly want at 2 in the morning?" Remus questioned gazing at the two. 

"We wanted fruit loops" she muttered. Remus looked at her incredulously. They were waking up at 2 am to buy cereal? 

"Hey! Don't drag me with you. She promised me ice cream" Sirius pouted. Both of them looked at him as if he were an idiot. Sirius crossed his arms huffing. Remus pinched the bridge of his nose before heading up the stairs, grumbling something along the lines of 'I'm too old for this' or 'those two are too much trouble'. Emery and Sirius snickered before fist-bumping. 

The duo strolled down the streets of London, making jokes and having fun. They kicked pebbles, sat on the edge of a bridge and danced in the middle of the road. If someone were to see them, they'd assume they were lovesick teenagers. Not that they weren't lovesick. 

They arrived at a muggle grocery store and entered. It was almost dead and no one was awake. The guy at the register looked as if he were about to fall asleep. They giggled silently before hijacking a trolley and racing around the store. 

To say Sirius was good at steering would be a lie. The man crashed into literally everything and they had to stop and make sure the shop assistant was still asleep. 

Finally, they reached the cereal aisle and looked for Fruit Loops. There was at least 4 boxes of the muggle cereal and Emery intended to buy all 4. 

They were quick to check out the cereal due to the unsettling glare the cashier had on both of them. They both smiled sheepishly before scampering off to the closest Mcdonald's. 

Emery had promised Sirius ice cream.

Not even five minutes later the two of them were sat on a bridge with ice creams in hand and a bag of fruit loops next to them. The silence was pleasant and honestly as peaceful as you could get at 2 am. 

Emery took a chance to glance at Sirius. He was so absorbed in his ice cream he was yet to notice her staring at him. He looked awfully good for someone who had awoken at 1 but she couldn't deny it. His hair was tousled in the wind and his eyes were happy and smiling. 

The moonlight outlines all the features that were present on his face and glistened the lake water below them. Emery had finished her ice cream already and waited for Sirius to finish his. Once he had, she grabbed a pebble from somewhere around her and showed it to him. 

"Harry and I have a tradition," she began. "We whispered our heart's true desire into the pebble and then chuck it into the river that runs near our home" she explained. 

"Why?" he questioned. 

"Well, it's to show that our heart's desire never stops, much like a river, which will in some time reach an ocean," she explained. 

Sirius's face lit up before he too searched for a pebble. Once they both had gotten theirs, she smiled reassuringly before closing her eyes and whispering into the stone. 

Take care of Harry

Sirius watched as her eyes closed and a small smile lit up her face. At that moment he realised he was bloody screwed. Everything fell down on him and his eyes widened in realisation. 

I'm in love with Emery

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