Stolen Gold

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"You sure he got everything?" Kie asked in a dreadful voice.

JJ was laying down on John B's marina with his head in Cassie's lap as she sat on the bare wood with her legs crossed. Her fingers raked through his hair to calm him as the four Pogues felt utter dread. The sky was opposite their moods as the sky was bright blue with a hot sun beating down relentlessly. John B laid at the edge of the small dock, "Every bar. The whole enchilada."

Cassie couldn't believe that Ward Cameron had stolen all of the gold right from them, all their hard work flushed down the drain. John B winced and groaned as he ripped off the wrist cast, "Look, it's not like I expected a happy ending or some shit." "John B--" "-What, Kie? It's a hairline fracture. Who cares?"

Kie rolled her eyes, "You should care. Your arm's gonna be messed up for life." "It's fine. See?" he waved his broken hand towards Cassie making scoff and run a hand through her hair. What were they going to do now?

From the path to the dock, heavy footsteps shook the platform as Pope huffed and panted, "Guys! Guys! Oh, God. I ran all the way here."

JJ opened his eyes and squinted at his friend, "How was the interview, Pope?" "Don't ask. JB... Look, I'm sorry, dude. About everything." "It's fine." "But-- but I don't have a lot of time, and-- and I have information that is tactically relevant. So, before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. So, I'm there sitting in my interview, thinking to myself, 'Hm. Why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?'"

Cassie's eyes widened as she pushed her boyfriend up. JJ swatted her as she pushed him off. His eyes grew as they all came to a realization, "Gold." "Guys, this is our chance, but it leaves tonight, and we have to go. Guys, we can't give up now," Pope stared at his friends. Cassie looked at John B, "What's the plan, Brandy?"

"We're gonna steal that shit back."

Cassie shrieked and clapped her hands in exhilaration, nobody was going to steal her gold.


Cassie stared out the window, her mind racing at so many miles per hour, she could focus all her hate on Ward. Yes, she was rich, but Cassie hated people who leeched off of the little guys and that's what Ward was, a leech.

"We go in there, guns a-blazin', make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vámonos, get the hell out of there," JJ loaded his pistol as they road towards the airstrip. "Down the Intracoastal," John B said from the driver's seat. 

Cassie grinned from the back, "Wait for weather." "Exit to Cuba," Pope finished.

"Cuba?" JJ shook his head, "No, man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes, and no word for money." Cassie laughed at JJ as he grinned while his head was playfully pushed by the blonde headed girl. John B glanced at the Pogues, "Let's do this shit."


"What's the plan? Broad strokes."

Cassie followed Kie to the fence that lined the airstrip as John B took out his binoculars, "I don't think we got that far." Cassie sighed at the scene, "They're already loading up the gold."

They watched as a car pulled up to the plane, honking it's horn as John B confirmed, "There's Ward."

Cassie watched as John B slowly put down his binoculars. Cassie gave him a look, "What?" He stayed silent as she put her hand on his shoulder, "Brandy what do you see?" "It's Sarah."

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