Hurricane Agatha

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Cassie woke up next to a warm body. She felt a breeze on her thigh that was exposed between her shorts and blanket. The two girls were laying on the pull out couch that was usually occupied by JJ. She snuggled closer to Kie as John B walked shirtless, through the living room.

"Morning, girls."

She mumbled a, "Morning, Brandy."

Cassie spotted him walking outside and sat up groggily. She peeled off the blanket and folded it over Kie, who gave a grateful smile. She grabbed some of the empty beer bottles and piled them into a trash bag before following John B to look out over the dock.

Cassie approached him and put her arm through his, leaning her head on his arm. He pulled his arm away and wrapped it around her shorter and smaller frame, "Did you see –" "I saw the girl."

"Are you okay?" he asked. She looked up and painted a smile over her sad canvas, "I'm fine. I have to be fine."

His heart broke for her and wrapped her in a hug, "He'll realize it soon."

"I hope."

Cassie broke away and yelled out before reentering the Chateau, which was what they called John's B's house, "Don't forget about DCS today. Update me after. Good luck, Brandy!"

She grabbed her backpack and blew a kiss to Kie as a quick goodbye. She then opened the door with JJ and the random girl saying a, "See you later, Jay."

Cassie exited and closed the door behind her, taking out her keys to the Jeep in the grass. She swung them around her finger that were glued with white acrylic nails and gold-clad jewelry. The car beeped at the unlocking from the fob, letting her open the driver's seat and plug in the key. She took a glance at the sky with the brewing storm, before driving towards the Figure Eight.

Cassie stopped the car in a small grocery store that was run by an older man. She smiled when she entered, "Hey Charlie! How are you?"

He answered as he plugged some numbers into the computer, "My favorite Pogue, Cassie, I'm good, girlie, what are you here for?"

She smiled and walked over, "I'm going to grab some snacks to stock up. Is there gas out back for the generators?"

"Yes, there are. You can take four of the tanks. Nile will help you load it," Charlie pointed to a younger man that she hadn't seen around. He was about the same age as Cassie and had brown hair that accentuated his green eyes. He was very tall and smiled when mentioned.

Cassie smiled back and grabbed some snacks from the aisles, walking back over. She pulled her credit card out and swiped it, paying for her food and gas for the generators incase the power went out. She thanked Charlie and walked out to her car, parking it near where Nile stood with one of the gas canisters.

"Thanks for the help," she said, leaning against car. He looked up and smiled, "No problem. Always here to help a pretty girl."

She blushed and giggled, avoiding more confrontation until she thanked him and left.

Cassie felt awkward, leaving Nile thinking that she would give him some attention. She turned up the radio as she drove with the windows down, letting the wind run through her hair.

She almost drove right past him. Right past his stupid blonde hair and old shoes. 

She slammed the break and opened the car door, walking over to JJ who was sitting in a lawn chair with a beer and his sunglasses. "JJ! What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm waiting."

"Waiting for what? Some crazy ass to run you over?"

He chuckled, "Of course not. That's crazy person talk."

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