Chapter One

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C H A P T E R O N E 

7 months later.

I kept my head ducked down as I wandered between the aisles. I sneakily put the peanut butter in my backpack before turning towards the cashier. I grabbed a pack of gum and a chocolate bar as my cover up.

"Is that all for you, dear?"

"Yes," I mumbled quietly before rummaging in my jeans for the three crumbled up dollars I had found on the street.

"That'll come up to be $2.87," she smiled cheerfully. I internally flinched as I handed her the bills. We need that money.

We need this food more.

I ignored my self-conscious and hoped that my bag didn't look suspiciously full.

"Thirteen cents is your change, have a great day!"

I grabbed the pack of gum and chocolate before stuffing them in my pocket and quickly made my way towards the door.


My stomach dropped when I heard someone calling me. I ignored them and walked even faster. I was almost out of the store when I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I shied away quickly before turning around to face the manager, who held a strange look on his face.

"You forgot your change," he offered out his hand. I sighed in relief before taking the few coins from him.

"Oh, thanks."

"Yup. You have a nice day now," he frowned at me for a moment before I nodded in response and walked out the door.

Once out of sight, I sprinted away.


I made my way towards the shabby looking cabin that looked absolutely abandoned.

Which is exactly why we are staying in it.

"Colt?" I called out softly. "Where are you?" I kicked the dirt off my shoes before walking inside the logged house. I looked around and saw no signs of my snot nosed brother. "Colton?" I called louder in panic. I ran back outside the door and began frantically searching for him. "Colton?!"

A moment later I was tackled to the ground with bony limbs stabbing my body.

Colton was laughing hysterically as we were sprawled out on the grass. "I snuck up on you didn't I?" he began giggling again. I laid there on the ground for a moment, my eyes fluttering shut as I sighed in relief.

"Yes. You did. You scared me," I poked his ribs and pushed him off me. "You also made me squish the bread.

His blue eyes widened in excitement.

"You got bread?"

"You bet your butt I did," I teased. He quickly scrambled off of me and I laughed at the eagerness on his face. I slipped off my crunched backpack and pulled out the peanut butter. Colton quickly unscrewed the lid and ripped the aluminum covering off before sticking his dirty little finger in and plopping it in his mouth. I gave him a disapproving look as I pulled out the bread and handed him a piece. He hastily shoveled half of it in his mouth before dipping the other half in peanut butter.

I smiled at the sight of him. He had a million freckles all over his face and dark brown hair. His eyes were a striking blue, and all in all, he was a very handsome ten year old boy.

A bit too skinny, a bit too lankey, and a one hundred percent lycan.

I sighed.

It's been about seven months since we ran, and we haven't stopped. A little under a year ago the treaty between humans and lycans was violated by the group of people who call themselves the Polemistis. A group of hunters who set out to commit genocide for the sake of "protecting the people".

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