Chapter 4: Welcome Home Jarrad

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*2 weeks laters*

Roman's P.O.V
Dean is now fully recovered now he can get back on his two feet and do all things he wanted to do when he was recovering. Galina, Jojo and I were watching TV and waiting for Dean to wake up so we can have breakfast then we heard manly groans down the hallway and it was Dean waking up and yawning. Dean said "Morning sorry I slept in" I said "Its ok bro we can start making breakfast" he said "Where's my little Jojo" I said "In her room waiting for you to wake up" he said "Ok I will watch Jojo while you love birds cook" we laughed and went out different ways. Ever since Dean had his suicide attempt and gave this little big speech too Jojo, Dean has been a big brother too Jojo and Jojo does nearly everything with Dean but not everything like the other day they made a kite but soon Jojo will be able to do this with her big brother Jarrad when he comes home today. Yesterday Dean came up to me and said that Matt my brother was bringing Jarrad home from Primary School cause he graduated last week so he was bringing him home today cause he was living with my parents in Pensacola so we can't wait.

Dean's P.O.V
I was walking down the hallway towards Jojo's room while I was walking there I was thinking about going out tonight with Roman, Seth and Matt to get me a new woman cause I desperately need a new woman cause I feel so lonely.

I got to Jojo's room and knocked on the door then she said "Go Away" she sounded upset that I was asleep then I opened the door and said "Surprise Jojo" and closed the door behind me, she got up and gave me a big hug and said "Yay Your Awake!" I said "You wanted me to be awake didn't you" she looked at me and nodded her head yes then I picked her up and gave her a big smooch on the cheek she laughed. I loved it when she laugh cause it was so cute. I put her on the ground and started tickling her she said "Deany........Stop.........It" she kept laughing and kept saying "Deany Stop It" I kept saying "Nope" after a while I stop tickling her and then I gave her this funny kiss on the cheek then we heard Roman "Kids Breakfast Is Ready" he called me a kid I hated it when I said that but it was funny in every way. Jojo got on my back and I got up then we walked into the kitchen and we were having bacon, eggs, toast and coffee or hot chocolate of course I had a coffee.

We finish our breakfast Roman did the dishes, Galina started cleaning inside the house and Jojo and I started cleaning outside. We were cleaning cause Jarrad was coming home today. He was living in Pensacola with Romans parents to finish primary school. I was cleaning the outside furniture while Jojo was playing on her little playground then we heard a car pull up in the driveway I ask Roman who it was and it was Matt, his wife Jenny, his daughter and son Melissa and Michael and Roman and Galina's son Jarrad.

Jojo tugged on my shirt cause she wanted to be hold cause she hasn't seen Jarrad since she was four so she was nervous. I picked her up and she put her head in my chest. Matt walks in gave Galina and Roman a hug and gave a knuckles since I was holding JoJo then Micheal and Melissa walked in and gave a big hug to Galina and Roman and hugged my legs they always did that to me and waved to Jojo she waved back then Jenny walked in gave a hug to Galina and a kiss on the cheek too Jojo, Roman and I then Jarrad walked in then Galina just grabbed Jarrad and bear hugged him then Jarrad said "I missed you too Mom and your hurting me and I can't breath and your still the beautiful Mom that I know" she let go and smiled then she said "I missed you so much too Jarrad" Jarrad smiled at Roman and gave him a bro hug and said "I missed you Dad" then Roman said "I missed you too Jarrad" then Jarrad looked at me and said "Hi Dean nice to see you again how is my little sis" I said "Nice too see you again too and welcome back home and I don't know how your sister is" He smiled and said "Can I see her" I nodded yes and put her down she had this nervous look on her face then Jarrad kneeled down to Jojo's height and started talking to her "Hey little cutie it's been a while hasn't it" Jojo started to giggle and then she said "Yeah it has been a while big bro" he laughed and said "Can I have a welcome home hug from my little cute sister" She giggled again and gave Jarred a hug then he said "I missed you so much little sis" then Jojo said "Me too Big Bro" Jarrad picked Jojo up and hold her like a baby it was cute in every way.

*6 hours later*

Roman's P.O.V
Everything was so calm since Matt, Jenny, Michelle, Michael and Jarrad got here. Jarrad, Jojo, Michael and Michelle were playing int he backyard, Galina and Jenny were watching the kids outside and Matt, Dean and I were playing Call of Duty:Ghost on our big 80 inch TV. In the middle of the game Dean said "Do you guys want to go out tonight" I said "Yeah sure can we bring the girls along" he said "Yeah sure" then Matt said "Why do you want to go out tonight Dean" then Dean said "Well I need to find a new woman and I was thinking you guys could help me find a new girl and Seth and Kate are coming too if that's ok" then Matt and I said at the same time "Awesome Idea!" Then Galina yelled "What are we doing tonight" I yelled back "We are all going out to help Dean DNS a new woman" then Jenny yelled "Awesome Idea!" Then we all went back to our thing. Tonight was going to be great I hope it's great.

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