🧠Brain Damage🖤 -MerDer

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Derek's POV:
I'm exhausted. I am so stressed out. I need to do a surgery. It's been weeks since I've operated. It's been really hard taking care of the kids and taking care of Meredith. She almost never recognizes me, but I promised her that I would tell her who I am everyday, and I do.. every single day. It gets harder and harder each day that goes by, telling her who I am.

Zola misses her as much as I do. It's hard on everyone. Bailey and Ellis don't mind as much, they're still very little.

Amelia took the kids for the night. She knows how difficult it can be for me.

Meredith is asleep at home. I'm at the hospital trying to get a surgery. I just need a quick break. Just the smallest surgery will help. I need to clear my mind, an escape. And the operating is the only way I can do that. Just one surgery and then I'll go back home.

The moon is full, lighting up the dark sky, as I stand outside, with a few interns, waiting for the ambulance to come. I see my breath through the cold air, as my skin forms goosebumps, sending shivers up my spine. I rub my arms together with my hands as I reminisce....

I remember when I just got back from Washington D.C, from dropping off my work phone. I walked through my front door and I see Zola running up to me, wrapping her small arms around my neck. And then I see Meredith standing there holding Bailey, and she just had the biggest smile on her face. I'll never forget it. She walked up to me slowly still having that wonderful smile. I was so excited to see her. I kissed her on the lips and I hugged her, then I planted a small kiss on Bailey's forehead. I look into mer's eyes. And all I can see is full of happiness and joy in them. It made me feel so warm inside.

"I missed you." I say, caressing her cheek.
"I missed you too." She replies with a whispered tone.
"I have something to tell you." She utters out, and her smile becomes bigger, only making me grin.
"What's that?" I ask, gazing into her pretty green eyes.
"I'm pregnant." She blurts out. And she starts to giggle. I feel this rush or bolt of excitement run through me. My lips curling upwards forming the biggest smile.
"We're going to have another baby!" I say with delight joy.
"Yes." She laughs. I hug her, wrapping my arms around her.
"I love you." I whisper to her. And in that moment we both felt happy, and nothing could ruin that. Because we finally got what we always wanted and that was to be together, and to be a family in this house that I built for the love of my life.
"I love you Derek." She expresses as we look into each other's eyes, and I see that familiar sparkle. I couldn't help it and I kiss her on the lips once again. There are no words to explain how much I love her.... That was probably one of the last times we were all happy as a family. I miss it so much... I just miss her. Man I would do anything to get her back.

I hear the sirens going off, causing me to snap back to my sad reality. We see the red lights flashing as the ambulance pulls in the driveway. I watch the paramedics get out of the truck and they open the back doors. They quickly roll the bed out of the truck.
"Female. Mid-30's. Hit to the head." One of the paramedics say. I get closer and I see the woman. There's a lot of blood. She may need stitches, I say to myself. I get even closer... then I recognize the woman.

My eyes get big and I gasp, out of shock and panic.
"Oh god!" I say out loud, I feel this sharp pain in my chest. She has blood on her head. She looks unconscious.

"No no no Meredith! Mer, baby. Can you hear me?" My voice trembles and my breathing is shaky. We start rolling her into the hospital. Then she groans in pain. Seeing her like this breaks my heart. All I'm thinking about is that this is all my fault. I left her at the house all by herself.

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