36 : House of Rescue

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"Please, quickly, can you get the door open?" Patricia asks in a panic

We hear Mrs Andrews yelling out at Rufus, I look down at the crowbar, it clicks and the door opens, Amber and Nina pull Patricia off the road while Fabian and I close the door before running next to the others, once Rufus drives away we pull Patricia into a group hug, we let go and walk toward Mrs Andrews by her car

"How on earth?" Mrs Andrews asks "Oh, Patricia, I've been so worried about you" Andrews tries to hug Patricia but she pushes away

"Yeah right," Patricia says


"Come on," Patricia says loudly "What's the big mystery? Why is Rufus after Joy and where is she? Tell me or I'm going global"

"Don't threaten me, Patricia, you have no idea what you're getting into"

"Don't threaten me, Daphne, I'm already in it"

I share glances with my other sibuna members, Patricia knows exactly what she's doing and she's good at it.


"Do you think I overstepped the mark? Demanding answers?" Patricia asks from beside me in French class

"No," Nina says, Fabian shakes his head "You were amazing" Patricia smiles, Amber and I nod

"Yeah Patricia," I say "Wish I could have seen Rufus' face when he realized you were gone"

"Who's ready to bring these suckers down?"

"Sibuna" Amber covers her eye, the rest of us copying

"Okay, settle down" Mrs Andrews enters the room "Quickly, please, thank you, now, it has come to our attention that some of you are not as occupied as you might like, outside of class"

"You can say that again" Jerome's voice startles me from behind so I turn to look at him "Bring on the new girls, Mrs"

I roll my eyes "There's already more girls in our house than boys, Clarke"

this time he rolls his eyes at me "Yeah, by one"

"Any more and we'd be hardly able to move, packed into the bedrooms like sardines" I exaggerate

"Enough, you two," Andrews says "So, we've decided to run elections for a school representative"

"What's all this about" Patricia whispers to sibuna

"A school representative will be an ambassador for the school and would also act as a conduit for relations between staff and students" Patricia raises her hand "Yes, Patricia?"

"I don't like the school rep idea, Mrs Andrews," Patricia says "But, I might be interested in starting a school paper, the gossip, the news, the scandal, the truth, what'd you reckon?"

"I think you'll find Patricia, that that little matter is already in hand, now about the school representative"


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