23 : House of Scares

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Being the first ready for school this morning I stand by the staircase while Victor had the security company take down the cameras, something about Mick's dad threatening to take him out of school.

"So, Victor," Jerome exits his room with Alfie behind him "It's back to good old-fashioned room searches and peering through keyholes, eh?"

"Don't you have classes to go to?" Victor asks, already knowing the answer, I couldn't help but lightly laugh, receiving a glare from Victor and a smile from the two boys

"Hey Victor," Alfie says as the two leave "Have a nice day"

Finally Patricia, Amber and Nina come down the stairs

"I may not have my cameras anymore," He says "But I'm still watching you, remember that" Victor walks the other way, leaving us on our own before we make our way across to the school, meeting Fabian at his locker

"Guys, guys!" Whispering he calls out to us "I woke up early this morning and I went back down under the stairs and I found this" He pulls an old brown book out of his bag, he opens it to a title page

"H.G. Wells, The Time Machine?" Nina reads

"Yeah," Fabian says "It's beleathered like it says in the clue"

"Where yesterday always follows tomorrow," I say "A time machine?"

"Yes!, what did you find?" Nina asks

"Well, actually nothing, yet," Fabian says "But if it's in there, I will"

"Oh, Amber wants to see the photo of Victor the ever-living" Patricia says, Fabian pulls out the photo of Victor looking exactly the same as he does now

"That is so creepy," Amber says

"It gets even creepier," Fabian says "There are two or three other ones, all from different years" He hands around the other photos

"And that same Victor I on them all" Patricia says

"Do you think he's a ghost?" Amber asks "Or, I don't know, a vampire"

"No, Amber I do not," Fabian says "Although I do think it's confirmation of the existence of... An elixir of life"

"Okay, so now we've got proof, can we tell someone?" Amber asks "Please, this is just getting too scary"

"We have got the photos to back it up," Nina says

"Who do we show them to?" Amber asks

"It's not enough proof," Fabian says "Photos can be doctored"

"Yeah, the last time we told someone anything, it got Trudy fired" I add

"They're right," Nina says "We need to get our hands on the elixir itself"

"That means going back down to the cellar," Amber says

"If it means going into the cellar again, then that's what we'll do," Fabian says "We'll go back, we'll steal some of the stuff, bring it back, and get it analysed, don't worry I'll do it myself"

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