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warning self harm dont read unless you want to

yelena smiles at me and then goes to the bathroom to get changed, before she got out the bathroom i had already left, i didn't need to get betrayed again, i went to the main room to find wanda but instead i find the tin man "where can i find wanda" tony turns around to look at me and smiles "good to see you too, and she is in the med room with nat"

i turn around and went on my way to the med room but before i opened the door i listen to what they are saying as i heard my name "why was y/n running away from you" i close my eyes to concentrate more "she was angry that me and my sister were keeping something from her" i open my eyes to control my anger "what were you keeping from her"

i couldn't control  myself so i burst through the doors "yeah what were, and still are hiding from me" wanda stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder "calm down y/n" i shake her and off and stare at nat "i cant tell you" i scoff and turn around to leave the room "please y/n even if i dont tell you this i still want you"

i turn around to see wanda confused and nat in tears "i left you but you still want me, and i want you but i know that it will only hurt me" i walk towards wanda and grab something behind her, a knife wanda looks at me with fear "y/n dont do this" i look at nat "do what do you know what i'm going to do, no you dont"

i walk out the room with the knife and i lock myself in a room, i sit on the bed that is in the room, then i decide to go to the bathroom, i hear wanda running past the room to look for me,

i take the knife and roll down my pants and start cutting my waist as i hate having to hurt the people i love, i deserve it as i broke nat's heart and left yelena in the room without knowing why i left,

i continued cutting until i was sitting i a small pool of blood then i took off my jacket and tore a piece off of it and then i rapped that around my hip so no one would see i was bleeding then i used the rest of my jacket to sry up the blood that was on the floor

i threw my jacket out the window so no one could find it and then i cleaned the knife and then put it in my pocket, i open the door and go back in the med room to find it completely empty so i put the knife back and sneak out the med room

"where have you been, everyone is looking for you" i look behind me and see nat, i look at her dead in the eyes "i cant do this anymore, i'm sorry, ill get my stuff and leave" she starts getting tears in her eyes, i cant stand it so i turn around and start walking

nat grabs my wrist and turns me around "dont do this please, i sorry for not telling you but its for your own good" i start getting tears in my eyes "i'm sorry i love you, at least i got to say that to you" i use my powers to push her backwards but not enough to make her fall and then i start running and i don't stop till i was in the abandoned house

i lie down on my bed and stare blankly at the roof, then i fell a hand on my wrist i look at who the hand belonged to and it was wanda "what do you want" i looks away from wanda and she just sits on the bed "look i know what you did, i can read minds" i sit up and go to the desk, i take out a book out of one of the drawers

i sit back down on the bed and wait for wanda to say something about what is in the book "what is this" i roll my eyes "i draw sometimes" i take the book from wandas hand "this is a drawing of nat when she was younger" i laugh "did you know when she was younger she had blue hair" i laugh even more but tears roll down my cheeks at the same time

wanda starts hugging me, i flip through the book and land on a drawing of yelena "and this is nat's sister, god she was a good kisser back then" more tears start to roll down my cheeks and i feel wanda loosening her grip "yes i've done the two sisters" 

wrong number  natasha romanoff X readerWhere stories live. Discover now