Prelude //000//

56 2 0

17 years ago.

"The world knows of the Umbrella Academy. The seven members use their unique gifts to save those in need. And if you don't know them already (which is a surprise since their faces are plastered on every billboard and magazine cover imaginable), let's introduce you.

"We have Number One with his incredible strength and admirable leadership (and a dazzling smile that will sweep anyone off their feet).

"Then we have Number Two with the ability to change the direction of projectiles, which comes in handy since he is a very talented knife-thrower. Though some hardcore fans say that he might have some form of mild telekinesis.

"Then we have Number Three with the ability to manipulate reality by simply speaking, using the phrase "I heard a rumour..." to activate the power.

"Then we have the peculiar Number Four, with the ability to speak to the dead, and if you are a real fan, you would have heard the theory that Number Four may also have the same telekinetic abilities as his brother, Number Two.

"Now we have Number Five with his ability to jump through space (some say even time, but that theory has not yet been proven), this makes him one of the most vital members of the team.

"And now we have the darling Number Six with the ability to summon and control eldritch tentacles created from a portal in his stomach, though he has such a violent ability, that hasn't stopped fans from gushing over Number Six saying he's "just adorable" and "so shy it's cute".

"And last, but certainly not least, we have Number Seven, who has the fascinating ability to manipulate sound waves as she pleases, giving her the power to make destructive waves and make a protective barrier that can withstand the force of bullets. This makes her the most powerful of the Academy members, as some fans say.

"Now, the world is still uncertain of where these phenomenal children had come from, and when questioned Mr Hargreeves, the adoptive father of the children replied, "That information is strictly confidential, and I shall not be answering any questions as such,"

"This left the world scratching their heads as to where these children came from, and how Mr. Hargreeves found them.

"Well, lovely listeners, that's all we have for now, but check in next week for the newest info on the Hargreeves children in the next Academy Monday."

The broadcast ended, the outro tune playing jovially as a news segment started. It sounded like a traffic report.

Eight sniffled, wiping at her nose with a tissue before she threw it to the side, landing on the growing heap collecting in the waste basket by her desk. She felt a sneeze build up in her sinuses, her eyes starting to water as the tingling in her nose grew worse. She was quick to grab another tissue, covering her nose and mouth.

She had learned her lesson when she projected a ball of phlegm onto her sheets the day before.

Anticipation built as she waited, a tear rolling down her cheek as the burn in her eyes grew. Reflexively she breathed in deeply, her body preparing to expel the breath with a sneeze.

Eight sat in her bed and waited, another tear falling from her burning eyes and her nose feeling like it was just about to burst from her face.

And then the feeling went away, leaving Eight very frustrated.

Instead of the sneeze she expected to have, that little moment had left her nose more congested than it was five minutes before.

She groaned and reached for the cup on her bedside table. The tea in it had gone cold a while ago, but it didn't stop her from swirling around what was left and emptying the cup into her dry mouth.

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