Chapter 1.

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Morro was left alone at home. He was waiting for his parents, who hurried to the hospital. He knew his adoptive mother would have a baby, a boy of her own.

Morro sat on the couch, quietly listening to the clock on the wall. He didn't know how to feel about the new member. He did not know how he would feel since he was left by his biological parents at the orphanage. Garmadon and his wife had adopted him, and not long after, they would have their own child.

Morro stared blankly at the ticking of the watch. Waiting and waiting again. After a few more hours, a click was heard from the door. He doesn't move from the couch. He had heard the door open and close, footsteps approaching him.


It was Wu. Morro could recognize his voice. Wu was Garmadon's younger brother, he visits them on some days. Morro looked at Wu, and he approached the little boy.

"Your father sent me to take care of you until he returned with your mother and baby."

'So they remembered me after a while.'

"You'll see, it'll be nice to have a little brother. You'll have someone to play with."

'I'll be forgotten sooner.'

"It will be nice." Wu sits down next to him. "Did you eat anything?"

Morro nodded slightly. He didn't eat anything, but he wasn't hungry either. He was used to this feeling. Wu sighed and went to the kitchen.

"I'll make something for both of us."

Wu turned to him. He felt sorry for the boy. He had learned the story from his brother and wished he had adopted Morro, but Garmadon took it before him, again.. He had been watching him since he saw him, but he hadn't had time to, adopt or approach the orphanage. And when he did, Garmadon already had it.


Wu watched the boy squat in one corner of the couch, staring blankly. He had noticed that Morro was not like the rest of the children. He wasn't energetic, or so cheerful, he was... closed. Garmadon and Misako/Koko thought it might be a stage. Parents to leave him at the orphanage and then adopted can be a small shock for a child his age. Wu thought the same, but after a while, he began to believe otherwise.

"Hey, do you want to do something? Or go somewhere? It'll take a while for yours to come back."

Morro shifted his gaze to him. He got up from his seat and put his head on Wu's lap. Wu was embarrassed by the boy's action.

"Are you... are you feeling well, Morro?"

"Can we..." Morro had begun to speak. "...can we go to the flower park..?"

Wu smiled briefly and ran his fingers through his black hair. "Of course."


Wu sat on a slightly brown bench, watching Morro gather some flowers from the park. The cold breeze brought the smell of flowers to his nostrils, enjoying them. In the Master's mind, there were many. He wanted to see Morro smiling again. He haven't seen him smile since the day everyone first came to this park. He couldn't forget how the boy's eyes sparkled at how many flowers could be around him.

He came out of his memories as Morro sat down on the bench next to him with the flowers gathered. Wu noticed that it was not the flowers that gathered the rest of the children, the beautiful and flowery ones. There were some more withered ones, which everyone ignored.

"Morro, why did you choose these?"

"Because no one would want them. And they're still flowers, like any other flowers, they just look different from the rest."

Wu didn't go on, just watching what the boy with the flowers was going to do. Morro had quickly made a wreath of flowers out of them. To Wu's amazement, the crown looked beautiful. Morro looked at the crown, then at the Master, and handed it to him.

"For you."

The Master just looked. His heart had softened, he didn't expect it. He smiled happily and giggled slightly.

"Thanks. What would you say if you put it on me, um?"

Wu lowered his head and Morro carefully placed the wreath on him. In the boy's eyes, Wu could see a twinkle and a small smile of joy.

"Uncle Wu... why are you crying?"

"What..?" He put his fingers to his eyes. He was right, he was crying. "Oh, from the pollen. Stay calm Morro, I have nothing."


It wasn't from pollen, it was fortunate that he saw him smiling after so long.

"Morro, what if-" The phone interrupted. It was Garmadon.

"Yes? -- Already? -- Until tomorrow? -- No no. It's totally ok. No problem. -- See you tomorrow."

He sighed and watched the black-haired boy look at him curiously.

"It was your father. He called to tell me they won't coming from the hospital until tomorrow and I have to stay with you overnight."

"Will you... stay with me?"

"Yes. Do you want to go somewhere else before we go home?"


"Okay then. Let's go home." He had taken his hand.

"Can we make tea at home?"

"We can."

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