Chapter 5.

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"Hey, Morro.. It's me, Lloyd.. again.. Heh, I don't know if you could listen or read the other messages I've sent you so far. Uh.. I don't think who my mother gave you to.. you have access to communications. I don't really know why my mother doesn't either.. She don't let me try to communicate with you. Six years have passed.. Six years in which I don't know anything about you, but I think that you don't know either.. I-I found out that.. you're not really my brother, heh, I can't tell you brother now either... but.. cousin. Yes, I found out ... Ok, I didn't really find out. I rummaged through my mother's closet and came across some documents. I think the nickname you gave me when I was little really fit in that scenario. But hey, we're still relatives. I don't even want to imagine what was on your mind when you found out.. But hey, that doesn't change anything between us... d-does it? I still hope that day you promised will come true. One day. I'll wait for you and keep waiting. I hope you're fine where you are... Hey, two more years. If I knew where you are now, I would run there and bring you home with my hand. Be safe, brother."

He closed the call. He set the phone aside. He felt his chest and head ache with all the sadness and harassment of the rest of the people who made his life an agony because of his last name. The longing for the person who was his pillar of support and the closest to his soul from his childhood, could not be close to him. He still has the strength and desire to live for the day when they will see each other again. That's why he wakes up in the morning day after day. For His Brother.


"Shut up...! Shut up..! Shut up! Shut up!!"

Morro was going through an anxiety attack, too much overthinking and stress. A panic attack. It wasn't the first time, but it wasn't the last. The nightmares were chained. The same stress over and over again. Too many thoughts. They were all on him.

"Shut up... shut up... it's not true... shut up..."

Dark voices were heard, heard only by him. Voices and feelings that did not give his peace, the peace he wanted. He could feel the wind intensifying. How the cold air slowly suffocated him. He couldn't stop him. He couldn't stop him. He was afraid.

"Morro? Is... is everything okay there?" Wu asked worriedly. He had heard the boy's scream, but he could not feel the inexplicable coolness of the wind.

"Yeah.. yeah.. I'm.. I'm fine, Dad..."

He managed to speak, with difficulty, but he succeeded. He waited quietly until the Master's footsteps moved away from the door. Wu was giving him space, and Morro was grateful for that, now. Even though he sometimes wished Wu wasn't so cold with him.

"Two more years... it's not long... two more years..."

The wind calmed down slowly, too, too... slowly. The suffocation was still lurking. Dizziness also appeared from the shadows.

"Please... stop... please..."

Tears burning his cheeks, rolled and fell one after another, a few seconds apart.


"Morro, are you sure you'll be able to handle these months on your own?"

"Don't worry, Dad, I can handle it. Trust me."

"Yes, I trust you, son. If there's anything, don't hesitate to contact me."

Morro kept a fake smile on his face.

'How to contact, old man? With the phone you hid from me somewhere in this house?'

"Of course."

Morro waited until Wu was out of sight. When he could no longer see him, he ran inside and threw himself on the bed, closing his aching eyes.

"Uughh... two years... two years. Stay calm little gremlin, we have two more years to survive."

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