Chapter 8.

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Morro sat down after hours of walking, on a bench in the old flower park of his childhood. The park was empty, but that didn't bother him at all. Night was approaching and people were returning to their homes. And he was lost.

'Why can't I find you...? Where are you?'

He wanted to cry, to scream. He was alone. He didn't know anyone but Kai, who had met him recently. He wasn't going to put all in him, to trust in him, not yet. He didn't want to ask him for help, to create problems, even if he told he didn't mind and there was no problem.

"Hey, um... can I stay here too?"

A voice came from a boy with light black hair and pure green eyes, who looked at him and asked politely. Morro looked at him a little confused, but he was too confused to ask any more questions.

"Of course..." He replied shortly.

The boy sat on the opposite side of the bench. There was a silence, one in which Morro had little left and broke down in tears and frustration there. The cold wind was blowing as disoriented as he was. Breathe and exhale.

Lloyd was watching him.

'It's he ok? To do something? To leave? Why am I suddenly worried?'

"Uh.. Floyd." He introduced himself, holding out his hand in friendship.


"Ghost? Is your name really Ghost?"

"Uh.. yes. Well, in a way, that's what I am for everyone, a ghost. A Black Sheep, better said.."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no. It's okay."

Floyd thought for a moment, looking at the asphalt for a moment. He recognized him, they had both recognized each other. They had passed each other in the city hours ago.

"What are you doing here so late?" Floyd asked after a while.

"But you?"

"Yes, you caught me here..." He leaned back on the bench, watching the sky slowly darken. "I wanted to get some fresh air." He look at Ghost. "You?"

"I was looking for someone dear and important to me."

"Oh... I hope you find that person soon."

"I hope so too."

"You sound... sad. You're sad. Can I do something to cheer you up?"

Morro looked at him and laughed briefly, smiling weakly. "I don't know. But don't worry about me." Reflexively he raised his hand to touch his hair, but before he could lift it, he lowered it and looked down.

"I'm... I'm sorry..." Floyd apologized, and Ghost didn't understand why, looking at him skeptically.

"Pardon? For what?"

"I.. uh.."

"You have no reason to apologize. It's not your fault I feel bad. Seriously.."

"Where do you live?" The question hit him directly in the chest to Morro.

"N-no... I don't. And where I live, it's not in the city. It's hours away from here."

"Oh..." Floyd thought for a moment, until an idea came to him. "If you want, you can stay with me tonight. My mother is at work and she's coming home tomorrow night."

"No, I couldn't."

"I insist! Please."

'I haven't had such a conversation with anyone in years. Please accept. Please.'

Black Sheep AU《Ninjago》Where stories live. Discover now