Chapter 17.

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"I won't let you go... I won't let you go anymore!" Lloyd said with non-colored tears in his pure emerald green eyes, taking his older brother.. lost for years by his side.

Lloyd was still holding him in his arms, tears streaming down his eyes. From the sideline, Kai watched them smiling, until he was scared by his sister.

"Oh my FSM.. Hey sis, trouble?"

"No, no. Jay told me Lord Garmadon had retired. Suspect, is it?"

"Yes... suspect."

Nya turned, to see now the two brothers. "Looks like they got together."

"Yeah.. We should get out of here until someone comes and sees them."

"I agree with that." Nya approached the green cousins ​​slowly. "Hey, Lloyd, Morro.. we should kind of get out of here."

Lloyd looked at his closed-eyed brother, that was holding the blonde's hands lightly in his.

"Morro..? Are you..sleeping?" He get no response back. Lloyd looked at Nya. "Maybe we can go to your place first..? You know.. the costumes."

"Oh. Yes! Yes, yes, yes. Do you need help?" She pointed to the brunette.

"No.. I think I can handle it- "

"I'm carrying him. Lloyd, you can't do it. You know that." Kai told him, getting on his knees to see if the brunette had really fallen asleep. "Morro?" He put his hand on his head. No reaction. "He's sleeping. I bet Garmadon exhausted him terribly."

"Who knows what he did to him. Why he took him." Nya added.

Lloyd watched him, trying not to think about what his father might have done to Morro. "Kai.. can you take my brother please?"

The ardent boy nodded, taking the brunette's suspiciously light body. The blonde put on his mask, greeb eyes still on the sleeping boy. He saw him so pale, tired, dark circles under his eyes.. He was now afraid to ask when he woke up what had happened.


The light from the light bulb entered in his heavy, slowly opening eyes. His head didn't hurt anymore, his body just a little. Morro was trying to remember what had happened before he fell asleep unconscious. When he had done so, a single word came to his mind, which had said it:


At the sound of his own name, he quickly got up from the floor, approaching the bed where his brother had slept. "Morro..! How are you feeling??"

"More rested." He stood up a little. "Don't tell me I fell asleep suddenly."

"Yes you did. Why do you say like is a bad think?" Lloyd asked worriedly.

"No, no... it's nothing." He had put his hands in his hair, then looked at his cousin. A strong feeling engulfed him, filling his eyes with tears.

"Morro?!" The blonde panicked, taking Morro's hands in his. "Why are you crying..?!"

"I missed you..!" That's all he could say, before he was taken in a hug again, trying hard to calm down.

Lloyd said nothing, trying to control himself too. He had taken his brother's face in his palms.

"Hey, hey, I'm here... That's it." He wiped his tears with his thumbs, sticking his forehead to his. "Sshhh... is ok, is ok. We're here together. Yes?" Morro nodded, still with tears in his eyes. "All right... please calm down? And you'll see mom today!"

"M-mom..?" He said this name with great longing.

"Mhm! Mom! She'll be so glad to see you again..."

Morro gathered his tears, breathing slowly. "Can we see mother now?? How is she? She misses me?.."

"Mom is fine.. still very busy with work, but she's fine. And I don't really know.. she dosen't talks too much about you, but I know she misses you a lot. She didn't want me to know but.. she puts a candel and a crown flower next to the picture of you when you were little. Without you this family is not complete, Morro..."

"Can we go to see her?"

"Of course! I think she's home now. She said she is free for a few days." Morro smiled at those words. "How about we surprise her?"

"What do you have in mind?"


Koko cut the vegetables in harmony with some food already prepared, part of it ready when her dear son was coming home. She had received some days off, she wanted to make the most of them. There was relaxing music on the background. The redhead didn't hear the front door open slowly, but she heard it close. Koko turned to see if Lloyd had arrived, and he was not alone. Lloyd pulled Morro by the arm to the kitchen, where Koko looked at them curiously.

"Mom, he's the friend I kept telling you about. Ghost. He can stay for dinner, can't he?" Lloyd said with a smile.

Koko looked at him. She smiled too, happy that her son was happy and with a new friend. "Of course. Welcome to our home, Ghost."

"Thank you, ma'am." Morro said softly, refraining from running into her arms.

"Oh, please call me Koko."

"Okay, Koko.." It was strange to address his mother like that, but his emotions made him more complicated.

Morro looked around until he stopped at a vase full of flowers.

"The flowers... are beautiful. I remember when I made wreaths out of them when I was little and gave them to my mother.. she looked like a queen with them, she always looked like one." He said softly, smiling childishly at the memory of this often-repeated scenario.

Koko looked at their guest, something was familiar to him. His words were too passionate for Koko not to feel familiar, too familiar.. The incident he described, she had experienced. Morro called her that, Morro always made her wreaths, Morro always brought nature into the house.. She looked at him intently, feeling her heart beating in a rhythm of longing. This longing was far too familiar and strong for her to ignore.


She said his name almost in pain, and he replied with a childish smile, one that the redhead could not forget how rarely she had had a chance to see it in the past. Koko ran to him in a heartbeat, taking him in her arms, saying his name several times with longing for his mother and tenderness. Koko took a porcelain face in her fingers that worked day after day out for her and her dear son. Tears welled up in her eyes, then tears of happiness in his. Ended.. after so many years.. Koko had Ended her son in her arms.. close to her.. If Wu was going to come after him, she would not let him take her treasure from her side again and her son Lloyd. He dreamed on this sacred day of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds... it was hard for her to let him go, to leave him.. but she had no choice.. she did not had.. the taxes where too high.. that was her only solution.. since then...

Morro looked at Koko with longingly. He missed the woman who considered him his mother, who took care of him during the years he could stay with her, that saved him from that nightmare orphanage...


Koko nodded, kissing his forehead, bringing him close to her. The words could not describe how tender this moment was. How much they missed each other.

Lloyd looked at his mother and older brother, saw them weeping happily that they had found each other. A feeling had struck him in the soul, one of peace. Morro was finished home after so many years. His family was complete! ... Almost.. complete... Garmadon was still bad, and Wu.. the blonde was still confused about him. Anxiety gripped him, even with overthinking.

'What if he takes Morro away from us again? What if he made mom to keep the promise? What if- '

Morro took him in his arms, as if trying to calm him down, as if he knew he had something and his mind was flying kn the bad side. Koko took them both in his protective arms. She was extremely happy to have them both by her side, close to her... and she wasn't going to let anyone change that. Not again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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