Chapter 11

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"Hello," Techno greeted as we approached them. Phil tapped his foot impatiently against the ground, an angry expression on his face.

"What the fuck is happening," he stated, "We need an explanation, Techno. Through the last few hours, we've heard four cannon shots—four!—and we have no fucking idea what's going on! I'm certain that you have something—oh, hello, Ranboo—to do with it. Wait, Ranboo?"

"Hey guys," Ranboo said awkwardly, waving to them. Phil looked over at Techno expectantly. Kayla glanced at Wilbur, who was staring at her arms.

"Well—um—quite a lot has happened," Techno explained, "Tommy and Tubbo are dead. Dream had ambushed us, and they kidnapped Kayla. Ranboo and I then went to Sam and Puffy for help, and we travelled over to the Dream Team's base."

"Hold on—" Wilbur said, holding up his hands, "Tommy and Tubbo are dead?" Kayla nodded slowly and Ranboo stayed silent.

"What about the other two?" Phil asked meekly.

"Well, as I said, Dream kidnapped Kayla. So myself, Ranboo, Sam, and Puffy went to save her," Techno continued, "During our fight inside their base, Sam killed George. We left soon after that, because both Dream and Sapnap were in shock."

"Are you okay?" Wilbur cut in, looking at Kayla. She nodded, holding her arms behind her back.

"On the way back, we found a spot that might have been a fight between Fundy and Purpled. Which of the two died, we don't know, but after that we came here," Techno stated, "Quite the day. It feels like years since I've last slept."

"Terrible. Absolutely terrible," Phil sighed, shaking his head, "I'm sorry about Tommy and Tubbo's death, Ranboo. I hope you stay safe with Kayla and Techno."

"Thanks," Ranboo replied, "I want to try to get revenge on Sapnap eventually. He was the one who killed Tubbo."

"Now you have a question to answer for me," Techno added, "How did you find my base?"

"Pure chance," Wilbur responded with a shrug, "Wandered around until we came across it, and we took a wild guess that it was yours."

But then another cannon shot boomed around them.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Phil exclaimed, leaning against a tree, "What now?!" Techno and Kayla shared a look and both of them shrugged.

"No idea," Kayla said, "But I'm exhausted right now, and I really don't care. I'm going to take a nap, if you can excuse me." She turned to walk over to her tent.

"Wait, your wounds," Techno commented, pulling her back, "Let Ranboo help you clean and wrap them." Kayla nodded, and so the two left the other three to talk.

Ranboo used a small, damp cloth to wipe the blood off of Kayla's arms before wrapping clean bandages around them. The whole time, both were silent and lost in thought.

"Thank you," Kayla said when he finished. Ranboo nodded and cleaned up the medical supplies before leaving her.

Kayla lay down slowly, her mind racing through everything that had happened. Tubbo's death. Tommy's death. Being tortured by Dream. George's death. It was all too much, and she hated how it didn't affect her as much as it should have.

She was growing used to seeing death.

But it didn't make it any easier.

Soon, her eyes closed and she fell asleep, despite everything that had happened. Quick, blurry images flashed in her mind.

An old treehouse.

A clean, white room.

The boy in the purple hoodie.

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