Chapter 30

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She turned around when she heard the creak of the ladder. By the entrance of the treehouse was a lanky boy with curly brown hair, wearing a striped shirt and a pair of blue shorts. He grinned at her and she smiled back, walking over to sit next to him by the treehouse's edge. Her legs dangled over the side as she looked up over the treetops at the night sky, twinkling stars scattered across it like spilled sugar on a black countertop.

"We're leaving tomorrow morning," he said with a sigh, "Father says that it'll be a good change. Better job, better life." His voice was soft and had a tint of sadness to it.

"I'm going to miss you," she replied, "You won't forget me, will you?"

"Absolutely not!"

She laughed at his reaction and nudged his shoulder. "I was kidding, Will."

"I knew that," he said defensively, while she rolled her eyes, "But, really, Kayla, I'm going to miss you a lot. It'll be strange to not spend time with you and not see you anymore."

"We'll both be okay." Kayla glanced back to the empty room. The guitar was gone–packed away to be taken to the city–and she had given him the rest of the items as a good-bye gift. "The only difference is that you can't copy my homework any longer."

"Hey!" Wilbur laughed, "You were tutoring me! Suppose I do have to study on my own now." She nodded sadly, thinking about the many all nighters they pulled under the light of a gas lamp, studying and reading and doing who-knows-what.

They heard the sound of a voice, faint and faraway.

"That's my mum," Wilbur sighed, "I have to go now." He turned towards her and wrapped his arms around her small figure. Kayla squeezed her eyes shut and melted into his warmth, unable to imagine what her life would be like once she was missing an important piece of it.

"Will I ever see you again?" Kayla asked quietly when they pulled away.

A gloomy expression appeared on Wilbur's face. "I don't know. Depends on if we're destined to cross paths again. I have to go. I'll miss you, Kayla." He climbed down the ladder and jumped down when he was close to the bottom, looking up at her.

"Bye, Will!" Kayla exclaimed with a sad cheerfulness. He smiled at her and offered a wave before running into the forest. Kayla followed the shadow of his figure with her eyes until he finally disappeared.

- - - - - - - - -

Kayla smiled brightly at the huge crowd in front of the stage before stepping away from the podium and descending the side stairs. The people began to disperse as the murmur of chatter started up and she found herself lost amidst it. The girl stood next to the stage for a few minutes, surveying the scene around her.

"Excuse me, but you are Kayla Rays, correct?" A voice asked. She turned around and saw a man in a black suit standing there, a blue beanie on top his head, tufts of black poking out.

"Uh, yes, that's me," She answered, "Who are you?"

The man stuck out his hand. "My name is Quackity—I'm President Schlatt's assistant. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kayla. Graduating as top of your class is very impressive, and you've caught the eye of the President."

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she shook it. The man chuckled under his breath and flashed a smile before continuing.

"He's invited you to meet him and wishes to offer you a position," Quackity explained, "If you accept, we'll take you over to the White House and you'll meet the man himself tonight."

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