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Taehyung developed a new morning routine. Every day, as soon as he woke up, he said the words out loud: "I love you Jungkook." Sometimes it was "Jungkookie" or "Goo" or "Kook-ah." But it always started with "I love you." Taehyung was committing it to muscle memory, so that no matter how nervous he was when Jungkook got home, no matter whether they picked up their fight where it left off, or collapsed into each other's arms, or were simply in a tense stand-off, his mouth would be able to say the words "I love you Jungkook." It was like basic training in the military all over again. It didn't matter how scared he was. He was training himself to speak the words against the fear.

Next, Taehyung would let Yeontan out into the garden. He'd let his puppy do his morning run-around, and Tae would do 100 jumping jacks, rain or shine. Then he would eat breakfast and shower. Within a few weeks he was feeling so good, that he getting was random hard ons in the shower, every time he thought of Jungkook. Tae wanted to suck his dick so badly. That's what he usually thought about. He remembered JK's size and shape... imagined his perfect taste... Afterwards he sometimes wondered how Jungkook was coping. Tae worried that he wouldn't be able to relieve himself in the military, just as Taehyung himself hadn't been able to. It was horrible. Fame followed them everywhere, and just going to use the bathroom for regular reasons was humiliating enough. But he'd force his mind back to the moment, reminding himself that he was one day closer until Jungkook comes home.

Then it would be time for Taehyung to get dressed, feed Tani, gather his things, and wait for Jimin to pick him up. He would feel positive after starting his day like this, and it helped him to be present at work with the members. His energy was back, and he felt engaged and playful, and enjoyed making music again.

He had bought himself a handsome leather-bound journal, and he would write before bed, while smoking his vape. It was the one bad habit he couldn't let go of yet. Usually, he would write down acrostic poems of Jungkook's name, or things he wanted to say to him. Whenever he had flashbacks of that dreaded, haunting day, he would write it down, so it didn't trespass into his dreams. He stopped having nightmares again, and was soon sleeping soundly through the night.

And then in the morning he would wake up again, and get to repeat his new favorite words. "I love you, Jungkook."

Like this, a month passed. And then it was time for tour.

Like this, time kept flying. For two months it flew, propelling Taehyung closer to the awaited day.


Jungkook was now counting down the days until his service was over.


48 suns and moons until he was free. 'Well, not free. But back to my version of life. Back to ARMY, back to Hybe... back to Taehyung.'  His journal was full of scribbles like this. Random thoughts that would normally weigh him down. He'd started writing them out, and found that he slept much better, and needed less coffee in the morning. He ran faster, pushed harder, was more focused and alert. He wanted to end his service on the best note possible, and tried to throw himself into it, head and heart, body and soul.

What Jungkook didn't know is that his Hyung's left for tour almost two months ago. They'd been to North America and Europe, and now were on the final stretch in Asia. Jungkook didn't know he'd be joining them for the last month, and that he'd have three days with his family before shipping out on a plane to Taiwan. Jungkook didn't know that at every concert, ARMY screamed his lines in his place, and that Taehyung was filling his precious spot in the dance line beautifully, and that Jin missed him so much that he even cried about it on stage once, and that Namjoon was having such a hard time without him, because he felt that Jungkook was the key to their equilibrium and team spirit.

He didn't know any of this, but Jungkook felt something deep inside. He felt a pull, like the moon pulls the tides, to rejoin his team. Bangtan Sonyeondan was an organism, and needed each of the members in order to flourish. Above all, Jungkook needed to see Taehyung. He understood him now, and needed to take his final words back.

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