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"If you ever want to... talk... or whatever."

"No thanks."

Jungkook was trying hard to think, but his neighbor wouldn't shut up, and was hovering over him annoyingly.

"I feel fine now, I mean it. Thanks for the water."

"You don't even know my name, do you?"

Jungkook looked up at him. "You're Il-rul. I know everyone's name. I'm just shy."

Il-rul smiled. "That's what I thought, but no one else believes me. They all say your rude and-"

"You talk about me behind my back?"

"What? No! I defend you from-"

"Well don't. I've had worse things said about me on national television and in the tabloids every other day, so..."

"Oh, yeah. I should've thought..."

Jungkook smiled at him now. "It's ok. I know you were trying to help."

He received a smile back. "You know, not everyone is interested in becoming your friend just because you're famous. I think you're a genuinely cool person. No agenda." There was a little bit of fear in Il-rul's eyes, and Jungkook knew how he felt. He didn't want this kind person to be intimidated by him. Especially since he woke Jungkook up half the time, helping him avoid punishment. So Jungkook held out his hand.

"Hi. I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm from Busan. My birth year is 1997."

"I'm Park Il-rul, I'm from Incheon, also 97."

They shook, and smiled kindly, happy to drop the formal honorifics.

"Thanks for waking me up all the time. When I'm asleep, I'm practically dead."

"Except tonight.


Except tonight.


Jimin honked incessantly, just to annoy Taehyung, who was walking toward the car. Jimin had been picking him up every morning to go to Hybe together, so Tae didn't have to start his day alone. Tae flipped him off. It was a routine now.

"I picked up some croissants. Theres plain, chocolate, and cheese filled. Take whichever you want." Taehyung chose the cheese one, and took a big bite as Jimin sped off.

"Do you want to go out this weekend and do something fun? You haven't been anywhere since we got home. There's a new bar in Itaewon thats-"


"But Tae, it's a gay bar. An actual gay bar. In Itaewon. And it's not hidden down some shady alley."

"Do you think we can just walk in? And that no one will notice us? I'm pretty sure the car behind us has a Dispatch badge on it. Have you gone insane?"

"I just miss going dancing!" Jimin whined and hit the steering wheel, like a four year old throwing a tantrum.

"Fine" Tae sighed. "We'll go dancing. But not at the gay bar. Invite Hobi-hyung, and we'll go somewhere he recommends. If you actually want to dance, and not just go dick-hunting, he'll know a great place."

Jimin shot Taehyung some side eye, and muttered, "but I want dick too."

Tae smiled smugly in triumph. "Tough shit."

It was a surprisingly good day at work. It felt like their group synergy was mostly back. The rapline was producing most of the new album, Jin was the main visual, and Tae would be the third member of the dance line until Jungkook got home. Taehyung was enjoying learning choreography again, as it took him out of the trenches of his mind. The Hyung members had gotten a lot done in the past year since Jungkook left, before Tae and Jimin got back, and had almost a full album ready for the team when the 94's returned to work. They'd all start tour in six months without Jungkook, and he'd join in three months later once he was released from the military. Of course, he didn't know this yet. So they were working hard to compensate for the lack of their Maknae, while also making plans for his rejoining.


After the busy week, Hobi, Jimin, and Tae went out together on Friday night. It had been a long time since Taehyung felt the pulsating rush of a crowded dance floor and a good cocktail running through him. Already on his second drink, Jimin grabbed Tae and dragged him into the mass of people, where Hoseok had already found himself at home. Jimin screamed over the music. "Just let it go! Whatever you're thinking about. FUCK IT!" Tae laughed, and decided to let it go, just for now. Just for tonight. And he started to dance his heart out. He danced and danced, until he was shining under the strobe lights, and was on his third shot of berry soju when someone caught his eye.

He was a little shorter than Tae would prefer. But he had pretty eyes. And a great ass. Jimin noticed the direction of Tae's gaze, and shoved him forward. "Bitch, I was supposed to get laid tonight... Well, it better help you de-stress."

The cute guy danced his way closer to Taehyung, until he was right in front of him. Their bodies loosely moved sort of together and sort of apart, until the stranger turned around and wrapped Taehyung's arm around his waist, and pressed his ass right against Tae's front. Taehyung bent forward into his neck giving him a slow kiss, pushing against him harder. He didn't expect this to happen tonight, but he always had a condom in his wallet. Maybe it would help his stress, like Jimin said. Fuck it.

He let the cute boy lead him away from the dance floor, through a seedy hallway, and out the back door to an old car. They got in the backseat, and started making out without exchanging even one word. So unlike himself, Taehyung just let it happen. And before long their pants were gone, and this beautiful stranger was riding Tae's dick like an animal. He was holding a seatbelt strap for leverage, and grinding himself harder and harder on Taehyung, never slowing down. Tae felt amazing. It had been so long. His head leaned back on the worn leather neck-rest, and he waited for his release. This guy felt good. He was tight...


Or not.

It's just that he wasn't as tight as Jungkook.


Once Tae felt it, he couldn't unfeel it. He knew it was over for himself, he and just wanted to get out of the car. So he grabbed the pretty boy's dick, and finished him quickly, before he felt himself go limp with disappointment and regret. Another brick of regret for his fortress. Another something for the serpent to squeeze.

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