The monster (part 2)

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(Y/n's pov)

"Hello K.O" "(Y/N) HI!!!! Are you ready for our night shift?" "Mhm!"

I said nervously as I sat on a chair "So, what will we do tonight? You know besides guarding the store" "Oh we can play games! Or we can say fun stories! We could also eat" "Eat???" "As long as we pay it of course" "Oooh." "Tho mister Gar doesn't want us getting hungry so he allowed us to eat whatever we want during the new night shifts" "Well that's pretty good!" "I know right?! But I don't need it because my awesome mom made me a delicious lunch break bento box!" "Your mom made it?" I said looking at him curiously. KO immediately got red and turned around "W-well I- I uhm- I helped with the food a-and while I set the table she made it and-" I quickly realised that I must have made him embarrassed. "Ah! I'm sorry KO! I didn't mean it like that, I meant that it's cool!" "R-really?" He said looking at me still a little red "Of course! It's cool to help your mom around the house, it's cool that she loves you so much she makes you a bento box and it's cool that you appreciate what she cooks for you and you eat it" KO's face brightened as he smiled a little "Thank you (Y/n)" I returned the smile "Well now, what should we do?" 

~~~Time skip~~~

It has been three hours into the shift and I and KO had another four but we were starting to get kind of tired. KO's stomach growled a little and so he decided to go ahead and eat "(Y/n) where's your lunch?" "Oh uhm, I didn't bring any hehe, it's bad to eat at late hours" "(Y/n) are you seriously telling me you didn't bring anything?!" "Well, yeah-" "Let's share my box!" "But it's yours and your mom made it for you" "I don't care! Besides, she always puts extra food so I can share with my friends, come on (Y/n)!" KO said with a reassuring warm smile. By the Gods this boy is precious. I sighed and gave in as I joined him in eating the food his mom prepared "Mmmm!!! This is so good!" I said happily as I felt my cheeks warm up from joy "I know right? My mom makes the best food! I am sure your mom makes you cool food too" My eyes shot up wide open "(Y/n)? What's wrong? Did you hear or see something?! Is the monster here?!" "Wh- no no no! I just, I am an orphan K.O" KO's eyes widen at the sudden confession "w-what?! B-but huh?! I-I am so sorry!" "Calm down KO, I am not upset!" "B-but I-" "You didn't know, KO, and you apologised too, it's alright really" The boy looked down with a sad face "I am sorry..." I sighed softly and hugged him "It's fine, really" How precious do you have to be so that you feel pain for others? "Well now, how about a game of UNO!" "Sure!"

For the rest of the night, everything went smoothly. At some point, I went to the bathroom only to come back to TKO. Of course, we argued because he shouldn't be out since I doubt KO let him. The argument got heated. He was angry because only KO was in charge and because he wanted to be around too. I was angry because he should ask for permission first and if he wants to be out more often he had to gain KO's trust and the others "WELL AT LEAST I AM NOT A FURRY CLAWED BEAST!"

(TKO discriminating the furries moments)

 TKO said finally snapping. I gasped at the comment as my eyes started to water and I started to shake. TKO saw the sudden change in my mood and he did not quite expect it "(Y/n) I-" Before he could continue I ran off in the back room crying (THE BACK ROOMS- ok imma stop). I tripped on a broomstick and fell, some sort of passage opened and I fell into some other room. Before I knew it I was running around like a headless chicken and I found myself near a tree surrounded by orbs and water. I cried not realising all the anger and sadness had made me transform. I screamed in anger and started to throw rocks around that I found on the floor. I was so angry that he called me that, but I was so sad because I knew I was the one that made this mess, I was the one that caused so much pain, I caused this chaos, my friends wouldn't need to be up on alert if I hadn't done what I did

I curled up in a ball and cried forgetting my surroundings until I felt a warm pair of hands hugging me "I am sorry for saying that... I got angry, it's just that everyone KO and no one likes me... no one wants to be my friend, no one wants to talk to me, and when I come out I can't even do what I want to and I am surrounded by people that hate me. But you like me (Y/n)... and I hurt the only person that likes being around me, I'm sorry" I looked up and looked at his face seeing mere tears forming in his eyes. I sighed heavily and hugged him back "I'm so sorry too TKO..." "Hehe, I guess we're bot idiots huh?" He said cleaning the tears that rolled out of his eyes with a chuckle "Yeah" I responded with a giggle "Ah shoot we're wet to the bone" I said as we got up "I am sure there are  a couple of blankets that we can use to dry up and there's also a heater that we can use to dry our clothes, until then here" He said warping his jacket around me "It didn't get wet since I only sat down on my knees" "TKO my fur is filled with water!" "Yeah, that's why you need warmth first, don't worry about me or the jacket, I'm fine and the jacket will dry up eventually. Now come on!"

We both went back upstairs and did as TKO told us while enjoying some s'mores we made on the spot. TKO and KO agreed to become PKO for a while so we all three could talk. Turns out TKO and KO have a long history. The two came to peace at some point but they still fight from time to time when they part, and the others are still acting slightly different towards TKO because two months before I showed up TKO and KO  got in a big argument that almost destroyed The Plaza and Boxman's factory. Turns out these two need to work more on their relationship. And I need to work more on myself. After that shift, I went home as I parted ways with the two. If I needed to fix things I needed help and I surely couldn't do it alone, so. Today, later of course because I need to rest, I will talk with professor Venomous to see what can be done

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