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Reki is a depressed boy that has a sickness that made him impossible to live normally again, or so he thought.....

Reki's Pov

I wake up randomly at 6AM, 'Why am i awake at this time again?' i thought. 'Oh yea, i have school today....' i thought"Oh well another day of hell, why dont i just die already" i mumbled to myself.

(Don't be sad, idiot. Live your life, stupid. You dont find happiness, you make it happens!)

Reki's Pov

After i take a shower, i dressed myself and walk out of my room to the kitchen. "Good morning, onii-san!"Koyomi said to me, slapping my back"Morning...."i said lazily.

Then mom walks in "Lets eat breakfast, you know you're gonna be late for school if you dont hurry!"Mom said"Im not hungry"i said as i walked to the front door, but before i can get out Koyomi pulled my wrist."Not today, you'll be eating today by either by youself or i feed you"Koyomi said"Nah, im goo-"i got cut off by Koyomi pulling my wrist to the dining room. "O-Oy, what are you doing?!"i said, pulling my wrist out of her hold"YOU'LL BE EATING TODAY! YOU HAVENT EAT ANYTHING SINCE YESTERDAY! WASNT IT OBVIOUS?! IM GONNA FORCE YOU TO EAT! NO MATTER WHAT!" Koyomi yelled at me and then pulling my wrist to the dining table.

"Eat, or i'll feed you!"Koyomi said, i hesitate grabbing my spoon and began to took the first bite of the food.'I want to throw it out so badly....' i thought. Koyomi then grab the spoon from my hand and put her hand on my mouth."You're not gonna throw it out!!"Koyomi said"You're gonna eat it all! Or atleast half of it!"Koyomi said.

~After Koyomi forcing Reki to eat scene is done~

Reki's Pov

I walked out of my house to my school, where else?

'Fucking hell, that fucking daughter of a gun literally force me to eat a whole ass food on the plate' i thought.

I arrived at my school, completely late because that little girl of a gun force me to eat a whole ass food. I walked inside my class, being stared by all the students there.

"Gomen sensei, i was-"i got cut off by none other the teacher"Detention"the teacher said"You know what? I dont give a single shit of detention, in fact i kinda like it cause i have to be alone without all this bitchy ass friends. No, they're not my friends. They're more like annoying people in my life"i said before throwing my skateboard on the ground, breaking it. No one cares, if it breaks."Bye, stupidass. Dont expect me to be back again or even meet me again in your life. I've always tried to be nice to all people but y'all always treat me like shit, like i dont belong in here"i said before running out of my sChOoL.

'Now, i need to go to Dope Sketch to work...' i thought, walking to Dope Sketch.

I walked inside and i guess Oka-san is surprise to see me this early when i should be in school now.

"What are you doing here Reki?"Oka-san asked"I discontinued school, im tired of it..."i said"Ok then, i guess you can start working on the skateboard"Oka-san said.

I then worked my way to the back of the store to get some tools i might need, even tho i dont really need some of them. But idgaf, bitch. I then walked out of the back of the store while grabbing wheels, spray paint, pencils, marker, sand paper, small chainsaw, nails, hammer, paint, paint brushesbfor the skateboard.

'What design should i make?' i thought'Oh, lets just make this design'i thought, before the skateboard decided to ran out of the store with it old wheels. I ran out if the store, following the skateboard. Which it leads to a blue haired boy with blue eyes."Hey! Can you grab that shit for me?"i yelled at him, he just look at me and nod. He then pick up the skateboard from the road. I then walk closer to him and he gave me the skateboard."Thank you"i said as i make my way back to Dope Sketch. Then someone tap my shoulder, turns out it was that blue haired boy.

Sayonara//Angst//Lanki//Sk8 The Infinity//One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now