part 2

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So, mittens is dating luz now well that's great for her, but next time luz sneaks in she needs to tell me it's scary waking up and walking out of my room at night and seeing someone crawl through your back window. Well, anyways enough about my sister's life I wonder if goldy's in town today, you know I never got his name I only know him as the golden guard. Welp, there's my mission for the day! "EM" "LET ME SLEEP DINGUS" guess I'm going into town alone then.

In town-

Well, I've been walking around for a bit now, but I haven't been able to find him. Maybe I should check where I bumped into him. He seemed to be pretty set on that path while we were walking maybe he's over there. Ugh, I've been walking forever where could he beeeee, then I felt a hand on my side. *yank* "WHAT THE-" my mouth got covered I looked to see goldy? I was pulled into the ally, What the hell why did he just do that.

"shhhh" he pointed as two guards passed "dammit we lost him again!" "That little brat how do we keep losing him!!" I looked back at goldy to see him staring at my face very intently. I could feel myself blushing. I quickly pushed him off me and put my hand on my head "so I never-" he grabbed my hand "hey come with me real quick" I think I probably looked like a tomato as he dragged me through the ally, and to his staff's? he had two!? I noticed one had a palismen while the other didn't. "wanna go for a ride?" I looked over to him to see him smiling?

What is he up to? "Um sure?" I watched him pick up the white staff as the other one turned into a bird and sat on his shoulder. "Well come on?" I walked over and he gave me a hand up. "Is this your first time flying?" "Well, I've never actually tried to fly before." "Well, this thing can go fast so hold on" we were already off the ground. I could feel my heart beating. Wait hold on? Hold on to what?? Before I could figure that out, we took off. I immediately grabbed on to him. When I realized that I was holding onto him, I turned red.

I quickly fixed my posture and let go of him "sorry about that!" "It's fine" he turned to look at me and smiled. "Where are we going?" "I can't spoil the surprise" he giggles. I looked around "I've never been this heigh up before. It's so beautiful up here" "yeah it's peaceful, it's a nice break from the world" I turned to him "well I see one thing more beautiful..." he giggled "and what would that be?" I noticed I said that out loud. Shit. "uhhh... the sky isn't it beautiful?" it looked like it was almost going to be sunset already? I hadn't been out that long, had I? "Yeah, it's very beautiful." We arrived at our destination as we slowed, I saw that it was a clearing in the woods. As we landed, I admired how beautiful it was. "I go here when I need a break" "so why did you bring me here?"

Hunters pov:

"So why did you bring me here" shoot why did I bring him here? I don't even know. "Just wanted someone to share this with I guess" he smiled and looked around. I went to sit down in the grass "hey you know I never got your name?" "Oh Edric, Edric blight" I grabbed his hand and kissed it "nice to meet you" I winked. Omg, what am I doing!!?? Did I really just do that!!?? I turned red realizing what I just did. I looked up at him to see him red as a tomato.

That worked? "Uh yeah uh why don't you come sit with me" I pat the spot next to me. he walked over and laid down, "so you're a blight? No wonder you looked familiar I work with your parents" "oh so you're the person buying all my parent's inventions?" I giggled and turned to look at him. How could someone look this gorgeous? "Looks like it's gonna be night soon" I looked up to see it getting dark. I didn't even notice how late it was I should be heading back to the castle now.

I stood up "yeah, I think it's time to go I have to report back to the castle." He sat up and I gave him a hand. As we flew, he wrapped his arms around me again. I could feel my face burning up. Why am I so nervous? "You know you still haven't told me your real name?" "hunter.. my name is hunter" he laid his head on me "well nice to meet you hunter" he yawned. as we landed, he let go of me and hopped off my staff. "See you around goldy~" he waved as I flew off. So that nickname is gonna stick huh?

Back with ed:

I walked into my room and plopped down on my bed. Was that real? He seemed so mean and grumpy yesterday then suddenly, he's nice to me? "Well, well, where have you been all day?" I sat up to see Emira in my doorway. "nowhere~" "OMG YOU WERE WITH THAT WITCH" "WHO IS IT!!!!" I smiled at her "I don't think I'm gonna tell you just yet." "ED!!!! I'm your sister!! I should know these things!!!" she walked over and sat on my bed. "If I tell you promise not to tell mittens, mom, or dad?" "Promise!! Now spill!!!" "You know the golden guard, right?"

she looked at me "yeah?" I smiled "OMG REALLY!!!" "Yeah, don't make a big deal out of it I don't know if he feels the same plus, we barely know each other still." "Edric has a crush~ Edric has a crush~" "shut up I hit her in the face with a pillow. "So, when's the next time your gonna visit your mans?" "don't call him 'my mans' and I don't know" "so when am I going to be able to meet him?" "Maybe if you come into town with me tomorrow" I looked at her she had a huge grin. "you better not embarrass me" she got up "oh don't worry I won't embarrass you" she's lying. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

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