Part 5: Chunin Exams Part 1

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-morse code-


(A/N / Author talking)

"Biju speaking/Gods speaking"

'Biju thinking/Gods thinking'

'Speaking to Bijus'




{Timeskip X years}

[Setting change]


Team 1 had been doing a lot of C-ranks. they'd also managed to snag a B-rank or twelve. Naruto was getting more powerful. he'd gained another new power. it was called Heart Wrencher. he gained it from Saeya when he met her. he had accidentally used learn when. they were going at it. so now he has this ability. he will be using this power for the village. anyways Team 1 had just gotten back from a mission. and Kakashi and Anko who were the team's sensei were told to stay back. while the rest of team 1 left. they started talking Danzo spoke first "Okay Kakashi Anko do you believe that Team 1 is ready to go to the Chunin exams? if so take these papers to them and tell them to meet you at The Academy in a week at 8 am." Kakashi said "oh I think they're more than ready. they have done three A-rank missions fifteen B-ranks and 100 C-ranks plus however many D-rank we did." Danzo nodded and said "that sounds like a plan" Anko said "I agree with Kakashi as this team has long since passed my expectations" Danzo nodded again and said "well then here. take these to team 1 when you see them next" the two sensei nod and leave to go meet their team.

[training ground 1]

Naruto, Satsuki, and Yugito were all sparing to get better. Naruto had been practicing his new ability which Saeya had told him about. (what we don't know is that Saeya is a god who can give unlimited different types of powers which she will do). Naruto was currently testing it on a clone he made. he was having a conversation with the clone. he then said, "hey Naruto what do you think of me?" The Clone said, "I personally think that we work way too hard. but we will work with you as we like you and your friends.... did I just say that?! it worked!" Naruto and the clone whooped and cheered. they'd figured out how to use the powers. this would come in handy for interrogation and torture. both of which Naruto really likes. he is a little (lot) sadistic. just then Kakashi and Anko appeared. they said "alright team 1 come here" the cell members of Team 1 came close. and they were handed the chunin exam packets "we're applying you guys for the chunin exams. we believe you are ready to become chunin. just sign these and meet at the academy at 8 am on Tuesday" they nodded and went their separate ways. at this point, Satsuki and Yugito met up to tell each other of their feelings towards Naruto. so they came up with a plan to tell him their feelings at the chunin exams first exam. they'd stop him before they went inside and tell him "yes let's do that!" they said in unison they looked at each other and nodded then went home

{time skip Tuesday at 7 AM}

Naruto, Satsuki, and Yugito arrived an hour early. they'd been waking up earlier because of missions. they have learned to live off of fewer hours of sleep. so before they walked in Yugito and Satsuki told Naruto their feelings. "heya Naruto... Can we talk to you about something?" Naruto turned around and said "yeah sure what's up?" he smiled warmly. they then said "we both like you..." Naruto smiled again and said "I'm glad the feeling's neutral" the two girl members squealed in excitement. then they made their way inside. they saw the pitiful excuse for a genjutsu and made their way up to the third floor. but not before being stopped by Lee Neji and Tenten. Neji spoke to Naruto. "who are you?" Naruto said "no one you need to worry about unless you hurt Hinata that is..." he gave Neji a deadly glare. Neji could feel the pressure brought down by that glare. he glared back and said, "and what of my pitiful cousin?" Naruto made a guttural growling noise, and said: "you better pray you don't face off against me." Lee said, "Are you Naruto Uzumaki?" Naruto nodded and said "what of it my friend?" he smiled He knew Lee had a medical condition that disallowed him from using Chakra. so he had talked to Danzo about facing off against Lee. which was approved. Lee said, "I challenge you to a fight!" Naruto smiled and said "bring it on!"  they walked into the big open area. and Naruto got into the QSS which could be recognized anywhere Lee was in a different stance. Naruto heard Neji say. "I have a feeling you're going to lose Lee. like always." Naruto said "hey big shot pole up your ass. how about this? I fight you instead?" Neji grew angry and decided "lee let me deal with him. he clearly is asking to lose" Lee looked down and Naruto said "don't worry lee we'll fight soon enough" Lee Brightened. then Gai appeared and said, "Naruto Your fires of youth shine brightly today!" Naruto laughed and said "yes they do Gai but you see I have challenged Neji here to a fight" Gai paled and said "try to go easy on him" Naruto smirked and said "no can do he was down-talking Lee. cannot have that!" Gai sighed and put a hand on Neji's shoulder and said "good luck" Neji was confused until Naruto pushed chakra to his seal on his palm and out appeared a Zweihander. Tenten oogled  and said "are you the Bloody Zweihander!?!?!? the greatest Sword user out there!?!?!" Naruto smirked and said, "see if you can tell." He pushed chakra to his other palm and out appeared the second Zweihander. Tenten Squealed and said, "it's' the Bloody Zweihander!" Neji knew that name anywhere. one of the few people in the world to ever get a Z-rank in the Bingo book. a rank that is only given to people who pass all others in power. even going as far as to pass X-rank people. Z-rank or Zeta Rank is extremely dangerous Neji paled at the thought of fighting him so he back down Neji said "there is no way I am winning against you. even though I hate to say it I forfeit" Gai sighed in relief and Naruto grunted and said "I thought you would have more fight" Naruto and his team walked up to the next floor. and went into the room. they saw a bunch of genin from different villages. Naruto could smell snake from one silver-haired boy with glasses he thought he was one of Orochimaru's men then he smelt the Stench of evil coming off of him. he was planning something and Naruto knew it so Naruto went up to him and whispered "I know what your planning"  Naruto growled out then he went to sit down with his team. the rest of the Rookie 10 appeared. and Naruto could see the looks of lust and resentment on their faces. Menma and Mito were both charging him with Rasengans to which he just said "do i have to consume you?" they stopped dead in their tracks. they had seen first hand what Consume does it turns your body into a pill and he eats it one genin said "what does that mean? are you gonna eat them?" he laughed thinking Naruto was joking. Naruto said "someone wants to be a lab rat?" the guy who was laughing stopped and said "go be a lab rat." he pointed to a member of his team. she was scared, to which Naruto just said "sorry" Naruto yelled "consume" and her body contorted then turned into a soldier pill size blood orb which he ate. and then gained her abilities and chakra reserves and control. Kabuto approached the group and said, "you really shouldn't show off your skills all at once." Naruto looked at him with a thoughtful look. it freaked Kabuto out. Naruto said, "well continue?" Kabuto coughed and said, "well I've got information on everyone in this room." Kiba barged closer and said, "give me info on Naruto Uzumaki." Kabuto pulled out the card and put chakra through it and visibly went from tan to ghostly pale. "N-N-Naruto U-U-Uzumaki. Z-rank in the Bingo Book. missions completed SSS-rank=15 SS-rank=150 S-rank=450 A-rank=750, B-rank 1512, C-rank 3600, D-rank=1250. said to have 16 tailed beasts sealed in him along with 4 gods. People say he can kill you just by looking at you"  the room got deadly quiet. and then Ibiki walked in. "alright Maggots.... Oh hey Naruto how's it going" Naruto said "Ibiki Nii-san how's it going." then he said in morse code -Kabuto planning something evil. thinking invasion he knows a lot for a genin- Ibiki nodded and then started the exam. Naruto cheated by using his mind link connecting to his other teammates. and they shared answers.

it was time for the 10th question. Ibiki said "Now here's the tenth question. you can drop out now. if you drop out your whole team fails. and if you don't drop out and answer incorrectly you will stay gennin forever. which do you choose. minute by minute teams dropped out. with only 15 teams remaining Naruto said "you think we'll leave because of a task that seems impossible. our point as ninjas is to die for our village. you don't save your teammates. you go for a mission even if it is suicide" that seemed to harden the nerves of everyone left. Ibiki said "nice speech Ototo. you all pass. thank my Ototo for passing" they all yelled "WHAT?!?!" Naruto giggled and Said "the first nine questions were testing info gathering. and the Tenth question was to test willpower." then a ball of purple came crashing through the window. Naruto said, "hey hime," Anko said "hey Naruto-koi~," Naruto said, "we'll play after *wink wink*" Anko Blushed and said, "sure" the boys were sending KI at Naruto who said, "you call that KI here's some real KI" he pushed out 1% of his KI making everyone fall to their knees. then he stopped the KI. "alright continue Anko-Hime" anko said "meet me at training ground 44 in ten minutes if your late you get disqualified"

And Part 1 of the Chunin Exams is done. I'm excited for part 2. are you guys as excited as I am? well anyways. I'll see you all next time.

Ja Ne


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