Part 8: The hyuuga massacre, and Blood Prison

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(Heya Guys Bocker here welcome back to Part 8 of Neglected then Loved. I hope you enjoy here we go!)


-morse code-


(A/N / Author talking)

"Biju speaking/Gods speaking"

'Biju thinking/Gods thinking'

'Speaking to Bijus'




{Timeskip X years}

[Setting change]

Naruto and Team 1 had gone each their separate ways. Satsuki to train with Kakashi Yugito with Anko to train. that left Naruto to figure it out himself. he was walking down the road towards the hot springs. when he saw Jiraiya. "hey Jiraiya-sensei!" Jiraiya turned around and said, "Hey Gaki How's it going?" Naruto said, "I got no one to train with for the exams...even though I don't need it. I want to get out of the village for a month. whatdya say?" Jiraiya knew that Naruto needed to blow off some steam from the most recent fight. and the fight ahead with Neji. not only had he disrespected Hinata. but he called Naruto a demon, OOH that boy was getting pummeled to the ground "I Suppose let's go see the Hokage about this.." Naruto nodded and they made their way towards The Hokage tower. when they knocked they heard a frustrated 'come in' They walked in to see Danzo looking furious. "ah what can I do for you fellas?" Naruto said, "what's wrong Jiji?" Danzo said "look I want you to fight Neji in the finals but the Hyuuga clan head said "if he lays a hand on him Im going to fight him And we don't want the Hyuugas rebelling" Naruto darkened then went back to normal. he said "I'll be right back I forgot to do something" they could feel the malice coming off of him. it was like this dark feeling in the room. Danzo said "Jiraiya should go with you" Naruto nodded. "he might want to cover his eyes and ears." Naruto says in a tone that promised pain. the only time Jiraiya had heard that voice was when Zabuza had hurt one of his precious people. he knew that he meant to do harm Jiraiya said "I pray for them Danzo" as Naruto had already left Danzo asked "why? Jiraiya?" Jiraiya told him of the story of Zabuza and what happened Danzo said, "well shit." Jiraiya ran to catch up to Naruto hoping to at least lessen the damage

[at the Hyuuga compound]

Naruto approached the gate when Jiraiya finally caught up to him. Naruto said "you can try to lessen the damage. don't get in my way" Jiraiya nodded and said "don't wipe them out please" Naruto said "no promises" Jiraiya stayed nearby as he watched Naruto walked up to the compound. Naruto walked straight to one of the guards. "tell me where I can find Hiashi" The Guards were on guard. Naruto started counting down from ten "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 54321, 0. okay I warned you" he said "consume" and one of the two guards got consumed. the other was in a state of panic as he watched his longtime friend die in front of him. Naruto turned to him. "I already know the layout. but I'll say this warn him I'm coming" the guard Nodded quickly and left.

[Hiashi's Office]

Hiashi was minding his own business when there was a sudden knocking at his door. he opened it to see a freaked-out front guard. he said, "he's coming for you, sir!" Hiashi instantly knew who it was. It was the demon he said "send him in he cannot possibly be that bad." the guard nodded and said "the other guard is dead" Hiashi was furious he gathered a small army of main branch members and ran to the front gate. there they saw Naruto standing there with his arms crossed smiling darkly. Hiashi said, "you killed one of my guards?" Naruto nodded and said "if you want the bloodshed to stop. all you have to admit is that you are too hard on your daughter." that seemed to infuriate Hiashi. "how dare you, tell me how to run my clan! RARGH" He charged Naruto with the gentle fist style. at this point, the whole village was alerted to a massive chakra blast. it was sent from nearby the Hyuuga clan compound. when they got there they saw Naruto blocking and dodging perfectly all of the trigram strikes and palms from Hiashi who was getting angrier and angrier. he was so angry in fact that he started getting sloppy. Naruto used this as a perfect time to attack the now sloppy Hyuuga clan head. he pulled away just for a second to make him think he was getting scared. which worked Hiashi became overconfident and that was his downfall. he charged in with what he thought was the final blow. Only to be stabbed in his stomach by a blade as long as him tall, he coughed up blood. Neji being infuriated by this act charged from behind. With the same style. Naruto sensed him charging and took a single senbon and threw it through neji's neck they all heard gargling coming from Neji. Then they saw him fall to the ground dead. They all noticed a senbon sized hole through his neck. Shikaku noticed a senbon dug into a nearby tree. Danzo had just arrived to see a dead clan head and a dead chunin hopeful. Danzo had decided to make a decision. He had to send Naruto to Blood Prison. He had to break the news. "Naruto Uzumaki. I hearby send you to Blood Prison, for crimes against the hyuuga. I'm sorry, but it must be done." The anbu yelled in defiance. Saying the hyuuga were in the wrong. Even most of the Shinobi yelled against the arrest of the bloody Zweihander. It would allow for more attacks. Anko was in tears. Naruto walked towards danzo. And said "thanks for everything Jiji" Danzo cried. He was viewed as an emotionless warhawk and so seeing him cry. Told the Shinobi how much this hurt him as well. Hiruzen then got approached by Naruto next. "Thanks hiruzen-Jiji you kept me sane. And you also allowed me to meet my family" hiruzen was the next person to cry. Naruto said "to make my crimes more applicable." He then proceeded to slaughter the rest of the hyuuga main branch. "There more believable to the warden" next he went up to Anko "kaa-San. You mean so much to me, don't leave this world while I am in prison. Stay and fight on." He proceeded to do something similar to each member of the anbu. He then held out his hands and a root member begrudgingly put hand cuffs on him. "Good luck in there fox" and with that he was gone.

Awww Man bet you didn't see that coming. Oh snap well we'll see where this goes next time. Anyways sorry for such a short chapter. But I will write the next one here shortly.
Ja Ne

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