Chapter 6

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"The Queen wants an audience with me?" Darth Vader repeated as he refitted his now-clean glove over his cybernetic hand, which he had inspected to make sure no blood or anything slipped in.

"Yes. There's been a development while you were gone and she wishes to hear your thoughts on the matter," Panaka explained briskly, making a point to not stare at the artificial limbs. "After you had rested, of course."

"Very well, Captain," Vader agreed as he stood to follow the man. Curious, whatever this was. He could sense Obi-Wan was busy speaking with Qui-Gon on the communicator, likely about finding the apparent Chosen One. So what could this be about?

Reaching the semi-circular room that, unless he was completely wrong, served as substitute throne room. Naboo had oddly adherent imagery and traditions of offices for having an elected monarchy.

"Your Highness," Vader greeted with a nod.

"Lord Vader," the false queen greeted, returning the gesture with practice nobility and respect. "We received a transmission from Naboo."

"A transmission?" Vader repeated, not recalling this detail, leaving him wondering if Obi-wan just failed to mention it or if it was an effect of himself being present.

"Yes, Governor Sio Bibble pleaded that I contact him for instruction. He says that the Trade Federation is starving my people," Sabe explained with a level tone. "The Jedi believe it is a trap, that any response would allow them to track us."

"They are correct," Vader confirmed, staring at her intently. He never knew Sabe, having died just prior to his reuniting with Padme just prior to the beginning of the Clone Wars. Yet he felt as if he knew her. Padme spoke of her at times. A body-double of someone like her needed to know her role intimately, leading to a deep friendship. Sabe knew everything about Padme; she needed to in order to pass as her. She knew how to behave as the Queen even on topics they did not agree on.

Which meant she asked him here because she thought it was what Padme would want, to ask him something about the situation.

"You wish to know if your people truly are suffering," Vader summarized, causing stiffened spines to form around the room.

"I can see the rift between you and the Jedi, Lord Vader, but on these matters you appear to be of similar minds," the queen commented, staring at him intently. "However, you appear more forthcoming in your council, so I would hear it."

"The message is both truth and lie in one," Vader stated, getting an odd look from Panaka. "That is no riddle. The Trade Federation are cowards. They would never risk the full consequences of what would happen to them if they endangered an entire world's population to such a degree, all over a trade dispute. Your people suffer, no doubt. Most in fear. If any are being starved, it is likely only the capital. Your world, as a whole, has suffered very little in the way of human lives," Vader assured.

"How can you be so sure?" Sabe asked with a scowl.

"To be a more clear version of the Jedi: The Force would have allowed me to sense an entire planet suddenly dying, from starvation or otherwise. Conditions for you people have only, at most, mildly worsened since our escape," he explained, mentally wondering why Jedi didn't just outright say stuff like that to reassure people. "Beyond that? Tell me, did your governor truly sound like himself, pleading for you in such a manner to surrender what your planet holds so dear?"

The handmaidens and guards all looked at one another in concern, some muttering. "You believe he is being controlled?" Sabe summarized.

"They have a...force wielder working for them. Could he be doing something similar to the Jedi mind-tricks I've heard of?" Panaka asked with a scowl.

Darth Vader: Hero of NabooWhere stories live. Discover now