Chapter 26

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Vader's physical, mundane senses were dulled. Being burning alive and in a suit like his had that effect. His skin was entirely encased and covered, not to mention he was in constant pain. His eardrums had been melted beyond saving and replaced with implants. His helmet filtered out most light and the lenses tented his vision red.

But there was one thing he still had. He could still smell. In fact, his mask actually enhanced his sense of smell. A little known detail he never deigned to share with anyone, already having enough to reasons to be called Sidious's attack dog in his original timeline.

And thus, in this moment, Vader knew something was wrong not from his power in the Force, but because he could smell it.

It, being ozone. Too much, even for Force Lightning. And he only recalled smelling this from Sidious on one kind of occasion.

"Jedi!" Vader barked out as he stopped in his charge, seeing Sidious's smirk. A content smirk with his arms held right in front of him, his fingers almost pointing to himself.

Mace Windu felt true dread at the strangest, most twisted, and somehow...deepest shatterpoint he had ever laid eyes on. It was a bomb in the Force itself.

Plagueis's eyes widened as he turned around in disbelief, feeling the twists forming within the Force as the air grew heavy.

"Get Back!" Vader warned as he retreated, pulling Dooku and Qui-Gon back with the Force. The two clenched their teeth in surprise, but instantly recovered and followed Vader's retreat.

Mace Windu, with reluctance, followed suit, while Yoda frowned, putting up a shield to try and contain whatever the Sith was doi-

"HAHAHA!" Sidious cackled as he appeared to tear open a hole in the air itself.

Yoda's eyes widened as Sidious was all but obscured by a literal maelstrom of Force Lightning that slammed against his shields, bulking and straining them. The mere shockwave of it colliding with the barrier would have knocked the average humanoid of their feet.

"What now?!" Eeth Koth seethed from behind Yoda, clutching his head in pain. "By the temple, it feels like the Force itself is screaming."

It did, Yoda admitted, it truly felt like the Force itself was in pain now from...whatever was happening.

"Know, I do not. Retreat, you must!" Yoda ordered, trying to understand just what he was fighting against now.

This wasn't Sidious's power anymore. No, it felt almost like he was against-

"Admirable attempt, but you're literally trying to hold back the Dark Side in its entirety, Grandmaster."

Yoda didn't react to Plagueis's arrival, his fellow Jedi reeling in shock but otherwise not attacking the Sith Lord. "Planned this, you did?" Yoda accused with a strained grip on his shields.

"No," Plagueis denied, all jovialness lost as he raised his hands, lessening the load off Yoda. "I had no idea he could do this."

Yoda looked surprised if skeptical by the admission, but his attention was drawn by the cackling laughter of Sidious.

"Are you impressed, Master?!" Sidious called out sadistically.

"Bitterly so, Sidious," Plagueis admitted dryly.

"I thought I might have to use this one day, to take you down! But who dreamed I'd have such an audience!" Sidious taunted as he pulled harder on the "opening."

Plagueis gave a troubled scowl before glancing to Yoda. "We can't hold this. Get back to Vader's po-"

The Dark Side howled, physically.

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