
31 3 7

"-And she's so cute. she's got beautiful brown eyes and hair and she's tall..." Carrie continued.

I had honestly spaced out at this point and wasn't listening to a word Carrie had said about the girl she met after going to get ice cream for us.



Carrie put her hand down after waving it in my face. I guessed she'd stopped talking about her and I'd zoned out for a little too long.

"You spaced out for a second."

"Yeah sorry, continue."

"Okay so-"

I don't know what to say to the girl I've liked for ages after telling me she met someone for the 3rd time. As much I wish it weren't true, wishing won't change that. She's my best friend andy roommate. What can I do about it?

"What do you think? Should I say yes?"

"She sounds nice. Go for it." I say tiredly.

Carrie lets out a squeal of excitement and pulls out her phone. I sigh and follow her back to our dorm.

Carrie's POV

I'm not going out with anyone. I just want to see her reaction. I'm trying to make her jealous so she'll ask me out already. I see the way she looks at me, I'm not stupid but I'm definitely scared.

Maybe too much? It was a really stupid idea but I went with it anyways. Now the girl I like thinks I'm talking to someone. Nice job Carrie.

I open the door to our dorm and wait for Flynn to come inside.

She was finishing the rest of her ice cream before she said, "I'll make you a deal."

I tilt my head and raise an eyebrow.


"If this goes on longer than a week, I'll give you 40 dollars."

I think about it for a second, I can lie for a week, right? I mean I've gone on long enough with her thinking

"And if it doesn't?" Carrie says leaning in, smiling, and squinting at her.

"That's for me to know and you to find out, princess." Flynn challenges.


time skip: two weeks later

Flynn's POV

This has been going on for two weeks! I've already payed her but damn I really thought it wouldn't last. Not that she's a bad person to date but she usually finds something wrong with the people she goes out with within a week. And it's been two.

I hear a key in the door and it's Carrie. She's home earlier than usual.

"Oh, God. That's your "There's something wrong with her." face."

Carrie sighs and walks over to the couch I'm sitting on. She plops down, shoving her face in her hands.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind." Carrie says slowly.

"Like? If you're okay with sharing."

"There's something with her."

"I KNEW IT." I said loudly.

"Flynn, please listen to me, okay?" Carrie breathes out.


"There's two things wrong. Number one being, she isn't real."

I stare at her with wide eyes.


"Flynn listen!" Carrie shouts.

"Okay okay I'm sorry. go ahead."

"Two being, she isn't-" she pauses. ""She's" not you. I never dated anyone. they were all stupid attempts to make you jealous enough to ask me out. Because I've seen how you look at me. And people point it out to me all the time."

"You've seen it and said nothing about it?" I questioned.

"Yes. And the reason I did it was because I didn't want to be wrong about what I thought I saw. If I had told you I thought you had a crush on me and you didn't, I probably would've moved out." Carrie continued.

"So you did all this, to get me to ask you out?" I say surprised.

"Yes. It was a shit thing to do and I'm sorr-"

I kissed her. holy fucking shit I just kissed her. Oh no oh no oh no

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I rush out.

"That's... one thing you should definitely not be sorry for."

It's silent for a few minutes. I cant do silent.

"So can I ask you out now?" I whisper.

"I'd be mad if you didn't." She leans in and jokingly winks at me.

"Can I have my forty dollars back now?" I ask her.


"What?! you lost the bet." I joke.

"And you never told me what happens if I lost."

"Oh right, wanna go out?" I ask nonchalantly.

"YES. I mean yes. I really want to." She beamed.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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