Chapter 11: Complicated

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I suddenly find it difficult to breathe.

Maybe the nurse says something, but then, maybe she doesn't. At this point, I'm not paying any attention to her. My legs turn rubbery and I stumble back to sit on the bed.

Mason and Robin come back at some point. The nurse hasn't left. She says something to them and Mason nods before leaving again with my son. At this point, the nurse decides to come over and slowly take a seat next to me.

I snap out of my daze just enough to hear her say, "Miss Walker, we have several options for you..." Then her voice is nothing more than a blur.

I love my son.

I do. But this baby... This one is different. Robin was conceived under... way less stressful circumstances. I mean, at least I wasn't chained up in the basement and beaten every day in the process to conceive Robin.

At least before I had Robin I didn't know what motherly fear was. The fear that my baby was dead and it was all my fault.

Now it's all so much worse than that. Michael is still out there. And he will come after me. I don't wanna even think about what that man will do when he finds out that Robin is still alive. And that we are together again.

God. What will he do when he finds out about this baby?

"There is abortion," the nurse says, now on her third finger of counting off my options.

The very thought makes my stomach twist. After having Robin, and feeling just how happy he makes me, there is only one answer I can give. "No," I say quietly. "I-I can't do that. I can't." I shake my head violently and press my hands to my temples.

Her hand pats my back gently to calm me down. "Alright, Miss Walker," she says softly as she stands up. "I will bring you a few pamphlets to look over. So you're informed on your decision. In the meantime, we can clean you up a bit. You'll feel a lot better."

I nod. Of all things, I really need a shower. The detectives have already taken samples from my body so they can look for any trace of Michael's DNA that lingered on me.

I can finally wash myself clean of Michael. Of all the things he has done to me. Well, at least I can try. That's more than what I ever could have hoped for after being locked up in his basement for only he knows how long.

After all the time being resigned to death, I probably smell like I've been dead for two days.

Without another thought, I go back into the bathroom to shower.

My mind wanders as the hot water runs over my body. The idea of a new baby on the way brings back all the little happy memories I made with Robin.

Despite every terrible thing that Michael did to me in the years since my son entered my life, the time I had alone with that little boy was enough to make me think that living wouldn't be so bad.

Holding him in my arms and rocking him to sleep when he was so small... teaching him how to play checkers... making him laugh by making funny noises and faces... baking chocolate chip cookies down in the basement while Michael was out working.

It would be wonderful to do all of it again with this new baby. There are countless things I can do now.

Freedom truly is a magical thing.

My hand circles over my belly. Over the stretch marks left behind by my first pregnancy. No one would guess that I'm pregnant yet, but the information does bring a smile to my face.

Once I finish my shower, I step out and dry off. The smell of soap is different- fresh. But I'm sure that's just because I spent the past several weeks smelling much much worse. It's wonderful to feel clean and wear clean clothes again, even if they are a size or two too big for me.

I hear voices on the other side of the door and know that Mason and Robin are back. Pushing the door open just a crack, I peek through. A smile crosses my face as I watch My friend and my son play a game of tossing a stress ball back and forth between them.

Mason seems content, but Robin is clearly having a blast playing with him. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen my son so happy.

I come out of the bathroom and make my quiet way over to the bed to sit down. Mason looks up at me for a moment before catching the stress ball again.

"Can I ask what the nurse wanted to talk to you about?" He tosses the ball back to Robin, and Robin takes this pause to turn around and crawl up into my lap. "I mean, feel free not to answer. It's none of my-"

"I'm pregnant." If there's anyone who I think has a right to know, it's definitely Mason. Especially since he is the one who is opening his home to me and Robin. "And- and I know that it isn't what you had in mind when you offered to-"

"Stop. Stop. Don't worry about it. It's okay." He waves his hand as if I just asked him if I could bring a pet with me to his house and not a whole other human being. "We have plenty of room at our house. And my boyfriend loves kids. He'll be thrilled."

I smile a bit. "Just until I find my footing. I don't wanna be a burden on you guys."

"You won't be," he assured me without missing a beat. "Honestly, until that monster is found, I would sleep better knowing that you're just down the hall. It's for your safety." He heaves a sigh. "I offered you my home once when you were in danger. I want to make good on that offer now."

That was so long ago... I still remember him telling me to go home and pack a bag. Just so I wouldn't have to endure my dad's abuse one day longer.

I give him a nod. "I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done," I say.

"Don't worry about it," my friend assure me as he resumes tossing the ball with my son. "You can save the thank you for after I'm finished helping." The look in his eyes all but confirms his words.

Knowing Mason, he just might never be finished helping me.

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