Chapter 6: The Bargain

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I awaken to a loud growling sound and an uncomfortable crick in my neck.

Will I have to get used to waking up like this? With the thumping of my heart pounding against my skull and a really dry mouth? And a very good chance I'm being held against my will?

I'm almost afraid to open my eyes. All I want to see is my ceiling, framed by purple walls and colorful movie posters.

Another growling sound causes my eyes to squint open immediately. Michael's head is resting awkwardly against his shoulder, his eyes closed gently in slumber. The growling sound turns out to be his snoring, which is kind of a relief.

My head is resting in Michael's lap and I can feel one of his hands entangled in my hair, and the other is tucked beneath my shirt and across my waist just above my belly button.

I try not to move, so as not to disturb him. He's already done so much to me that I don't want to wake him up. I don't want to see those bright blue eyes that always find a way to stare into my soul.

I focus my attention on his sleeping face. So relaxed with his brown hair falling down into his eyes, and his mouth open just slightly. He seems so peaceful... At least until he snores again...

His eyelids move from side to side, and I'm sure he's dreaming. I can only imagine what's going on inside his head. Are his dreams just as twisted and disturbing as his reality? Does he dream about killing people? Rivers of blood and guts? Chilling screams of his poor helpless victims? Or worse, are his dreams anything like mine? Does he dream about me? About all the things he's done, and will do to me? Does he dream about tying me down? Cutting me? Touching me? Raping me?

The peace and ease on his blank face conceals everything within his mind. And I'm not sure how I feel about that.

He snorts and his head rolls over to the other shoulder. I grip the sheets and try not to panic beneath him. He's mumbling something in his sleep... I can almost swear he's saying my name over and over... But I'm not quite sure.

My nose begins to itch, but I refuse to move. No. Not an itch. I feel a sneeze coming on. I try to breathe it out of my system but it just blasts out against my will. I do cover my mouth in time to stifle it, though. It's much louder than I had expected it to be.

Every muscle in my body tenses as Michael's eyes pop open.

"Gesundheit," is all he says.

My throat groans in response as I pull myself up to a sitting position. Michael stretches his arms up above his head and I can hear a few bones pop.

"What was that," I groan, rubbing the side of my neck.

"My shoulders," he grunts, pulling his glasses down from the top of his head down to his nose.

"No, Michael. The drug." My voice is layered with annoyance as my fingers gently settle on a tiny bandage stuck to the nape of my neck. "What was it?"

"Don't worry. You're not allergic," he says, checking his watch. "I gotta go." His fingers tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Do us both a favor and take a bath."

I glance over to the bathroom area as Michael lifts himself off of the bed. I feel the urge to pee again, when I decide on probably the stupidest decision I will ever make.

"Michael, wait!" My stomach twists as the words leave my lips.

"Yeah," he answers, tying his shoelaces.

"Umm," the words don't come right away. "Remember-" I swallow hard, "remember when you said that everything I ask for comes with a price?"

He snorts and nods, climbing to his feet. "What do you want?" His eyes fix on me, as if they're daring me to ask for anything.

I clear my throat. "I-I'd like, umm..." Michael takes a step to close the distance between us. I assume it's to intimidate me. "Good toilet paper." He raises an eyebrow. "The kind you gave me feels like sandpaper."

"Yeah," he scratches his chin. "I get that. It's a reasonable request..." He considers it for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip. I bite down on my tongue to keep from shaking. "Tell you what," he says, after thinking it through. "I will get you some good toilet paper, and in exchange..." He pauses for dramatic effect. "You give me a kiss."

I can feel my eyes grow so wide that they might just pop out of their sockets. Michael takes another step towards me and I take a couple steps back. The wall is just about a foot behind me now. Michael approaches me again and as I start to move away he grabs hold of my upper arm.

"Do you want the toilet paper, or not?" He sounds frustrated.

I close my eyes and nod ever so slightly. His hand glides up my arm and tightens around my shoulder. I slowly blink and stare at his eyes through the glint on his glasses.

"Then show me," he whispers, leaning in for the kiss. I swallow my fear and peck my lips against his. As I pull away the following second, Michael is still leaning his head forward. His eyes pop open in annoyance. "No," he says, stepping even closer to me. I stumble backwards until my back makes contact with the wall. "I mean a real kiss." His hands slam hard against the concrete wall on either side of my head, causing me to jump.

I force myself to look down at the ground and study Michael's shoes for some reason. Let's see, they're light brown leather with black shoelaces... My feet look so small next to his; at least at this angle, anyway.

Michael exhales through his nose and lifts my chin upward roughly. I barely have enough time to inhale before he smashes his lips against mine. My eyes stay open wide and all I can see are his eyelids through lifeless glass. As his lips move hard against my frozen ones his hand makes its way to the back of my head and claws at the roots of my hair.

A tiny yelp tears through my throat, causing Michael's lips to move more gently.

After a couple more seconds he pulls away just enough to say something. "You know it doesn't actually count unless you kiss back, right?" He lifts my shaking hand up to rest on top of his shoulder and kisses me again.

This time I squeeze my eyes shut and move my lips in rhythm with his, trying very hard not to push him away and scream. His hand that's not clawing at my hair curves around my waist and pulls me closer. My body crashes against his rough torso with all the gracefulness of a baby giraffe learning how to walk.

His kisses quickly turn more aggressive and he uses his tongue to pry my lips open and slide inside. Without hesitating I pull away and wipe my mouth clean of his disgusting saliva.

Michael just stares at me with the smuggest look I've ever seen. He sighs. "I think that is worth some good toilet paper, don't you?" He grins at me, causing me to go back to looking at our feet.

Michael lifts my chin up once again firmly and leans in close to my ear. "I can't wait till we can do more," he whispers softly in my ear.

I squeeze my eyes shut and feel his lips press gently against my forehead.

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