Author's Note

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Hello all! I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read this book all the way through, and especially thank everyone who has voted and commented. It really means a lot.

Alright, I have a question for you all.

I've been kicking around some ideas for a new story idea. (Not gonna start until this one is completely finished. Don't worry.)

I'm stuck between two ideas, and I would like your opinions on what you would like to read. Both will be written, but which one should I do first?

A) I have a Beauty and the Beast inspired story told with a demon in place of the beast. There will be a lot of heavy research and lore going into this story, as well as world building. To be titled: A Rose in the Shadows.

B) The other is a story about a princess in a time of war being kidnapped for leverage by a neighboring king. There will be magic and heavy subject matter as well as world building, like in the other story. To be titled: The Cold Hearted King.

These prompts are vague and may be more than a bit cliche, but I will put as much care into writing them and making them unique as I have Legacy.

Please let me know which you'd like to see first in the comments!

Voting will be closed once this book is finished. I will announce my next story undertaking right after publishing the final chapter.

I encourage comments on this story as well. It just makes me happy to see a notification about a new comment on my story. Even if it's negative. I want to improve my writing, and feedback is the best way to do so.

You are all amazing and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book!

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