Chapter 13: The House

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Either I had been imprisoned so long that my memory is more blurry than solid, or Mason lives in a very similar house to the one his mother had. Single story, red door, grey brick and a giant bush that's covered in frost.

Wait. It's not the same house. This one has a garage. Mason pushes a button and drives into the garage before closing the big door behind us.

"Welcome home. For as long as you need." Car turns off. Mason gets out. Lights turn on. Fishes my duffle out of the trunk.

I follow my friend's lead and get out of the car to help Robin out of his car seat. The long drive had made my little boy go down for a nap. I'm careful not to wake him up as I lift him out of his seat.

The weight of my son is something I'm barely able to hold up. After so much time in the basement, I've lost a lot of the muscle I didn't really have in the first place.

Mason gets the door for me, but I notice the attention he is paying to my grip on Robin. As if he's concerned I might topple over under the weight of a small child. I pass by him and spot a couch in the living room, where I lay Robin down to finish his nap.

"I know we just had lunch, but is there anything special you want for dinner?" Mason points a thumb towards what I assume is the kitchen as he enters the living room, duffle bag nowhere to be seen. "You like pork chops? Chicken breasts? Fish? What sounds good?" If I didn't know any better I'd think he was starving on the way over here.

"Don't you burn everything you make?" I tease, remembering a number of weekends when we almost set the house on fire from trying to cook... well, anything edible.

"Hey. Hey. Hey." Mason points a defensive finger at me. "I'll have you know that I have learned how to properly operate a stove since you've been gone, Sep." He crosses his arms decisively.

Since I've been gone... Like I have been on a trip to Italy for the past five years, and not trapped in a secluded house in the woods with a psychopath...

I shake my head to clear those thoughts away. "Just show me the kitchen, dork."

The kitchen is almost as clean as the hospital when I step in. Pots and pans hang from a mounted rack, all clean and glistening copper. "Have you never cooked in here before? It's way too neat. At least when we're considering your track record in the kitchen."

Mason snorts. "I'll have you know I've gotten better. Just you wait and see!" He reaches up to remove one of the pots from the hanging rack. "So, whatcha wanna eat?"

I shrug. "Seriously. I'm good for anything that's not hospital food." My eyes land on the row of cookbooks set up on the oversized windowsill. After flipping through it, I pick a page without even looking. "Here. This one." I plop the book down on the counter.

"Uh... Garlic Butter Shrimp and Asparagus?" Mason raises a skeptical brow. "You sure?"

"Nope. Not sure how Robin will react to the asparagus..." I think for a moment. "Maybe we can do some noodles? Go crazy with the herbs and spices?"

"I think we have shrimp. That sounds great!" He glances towards the clock on the stove. "We can start on dinner in awhile. Want me to show you your room?"

"Oh! Yeah! Of course."

Mason grins and takes me on a walk through the house. One bathroom, a bedroom and one guest room. The guest room has two twin sized beds, one being a trundle. Both are made and ready for sleep.

There isn't much room left, but there is a closet with more than enough room for the clothes me and Robin have shoved in the duffle bag that's laying on the bed.

"I know it's not much-"

"It's perfect, Mason. Really. Thank you." I turn and give him a hug, which he instantly returns.

"I have a couple coworkers who have clothes they meant to donate. They're about your size, so they said you could have first dibs on all of it," Mason says as he pats my back soothingly.

"Mason, I really do appreciate everything you're doing for me." Tears collect in my eyes, but I don't let them fall this time.


After meeting the boyfriend, Detective Ellis Shaw and enjoying a couple hours of playing rummy and laughing at stories I've missed, we all turn in for the night. Robin sleeps so hard one would think he was a bear going into hibernation for the winter.

Hours go by and I'm still tossing and turning in my bed. The light of the moon is reflecting off the snow that's still coating the lawn and street. Snow is still falling and sticking to the window.

I heave a sigh and toss the covers off before slipping out of the room. I'm very careful not to wake my son after such an exciting day.

A privilege I was never offered while sharing a bed with Michael every night. Even if I had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, he would always insist on accompanying me. Always ready to take care of me if I were to try to leave him.

The wood floor of the hallway is cold on the soles of my feet, but I don't care.

I need to walk. I need to move. I need to breathe fresh air.

Without making much noise, I slip on my coat and step out into the backyard. Even though snow is falling, there's no wind. It's a beautiful night.

"Couldn't sleep either?" a deep voice asks.


I turn and see the familiar glow of a cigarette. My whole body cringes and I shoot back into the house. Every breath I take comes out in a gasp and I can feel the thundering of my heart, as if it's fighting to run away. I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head.

The shadow of the Michael follows after me. "September!"

I scream and collapse against the wall, sliding down to the floor of the dining room. There is the sound of a list of curse words followed by hurried arguing.

Then two gentle pairs of hands are on me, trying to calm me down.

"Sep. Open your eyes." Mason. "You are okay. It's okay."

"It's him! It's Michael! He's here!" I yell, throwing my arms protectively over my head. "He's come for me!"

"No. No. It was me. Ellis." His words come out so fast. "I'm so sorry I scared you."

Oh my god. It is. Shit.

I open my eyes, my vision blurry with fresh tears. Then I blink. Once. Twice.

Both men are looking at me like I'm a feral dog with a limp. There is a silent apology in Ellis's eyes and pure fear in Mason's.

This must be the worst feeling in the world. I really am a burden.

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