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It's been two days since the fight with Toman and Moebius.

Two days since Draken was taken to the hospital.

Two days since Mikey and y/n's breakdown...

Rumors brought upon rumors. People knowing about the brawl, and who was involved. It ranged from gangs- to school kids knowing about the big fight, and that The Reaper was back in town, out of her cell.

Mikey had told her about his fight with Hanma, and how the bastard threatened her own life, promising he would be the one to take her down once and for all.

She wasn't threatened, though.

She's never even heard of the guy until Mikey brought him up, and she wasn't planning on giving the crybaby what he wanted, which was the damn name- her name.

Yeah, she hadn't asked for the title The Reaper, they just started calling her that. And it had a nice ring to it, so she claimed it as her own. Who wouldn't?

Never in a million years would she think a sixteen year old guy would be mad about her 'stealing' a name, but the world seems full of surprises lately. And if he wanted to fight her for it, then he would have to do a hell of a lot better than complain to her little brother about it.

Being all bark and no bite wasn't something y/n was fond of. It made her think people were too much of a coward to face it head on, and this Hanma guy seems like the type. But, she could be wrong.

If he was so upset at her, then he should say it to her face instead of going around claiming he'll kill her. She'll believe it when she sees it, or better yet- she'll believe it when she witnesses first-hand.

If he wanted a fight, she would give him a damn fight.

But, y/n wasn't the type to chase. She would let him come to her and settle it then. He started it, after all.

He's got a big mouth for such a scrawny guy.

Speaking of scrawny, y/n was currently on her way to bleach-blonde's school.

Mikey had told her he went to Mizo Middle School when she asked him, and when he asked why she wanted to know, she told him not to worry about it.

She just needed to say something and be on her way.

She had her Toman jacket on, a pair of black ripped jeans, and a white shirt- that she had to borrow from Mikey.

With her hands shoved in her pockets, she made her way down the street and closer to the school.

She spotted a little boy with a handful of suckers.

Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't-

She took one from the boy, and kept walking.

Hey, I tried to stop myself at least.

"Hey! Give that back-"

"Oh look! It's superman!" She shouted excitedly, pointing at the sky with a hand on her cheek.

"What?!? Where, where!" The boy said with sparkles in his eyes, turning behind him where y/n was pointing.

As soon as he turned around, she bolted a few feet down the sidewalk and sharply turned left behind a wall, heading to the school just a few blocks away.

A sly grin appeared on her face when she heard the kid start crying in the distance.

Not long passed on her walk when the view of the school came in. She headed towards the entrance, a few students standing there talking.

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