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The hospital was quiet, the only thing being heard was the shuffling of shoes as the doctors passed by every once in a while.

Everyone sat in the waiting area, suspense building in the still room as they waited to hear about y/n's condition.

Emma and Hina sat in the rows of multiple chairs, Hina having to comfort a crying Emma as she held her into her body comfortingly.

Mitsuya sat slouched over with his head in his hands, his leg bouncing repeatedly as he sat there anxious.

Chifuyu sat right next to him, his eyes red rimmed as he stared at the door, waiting for someone-anyone to walk through and tell them how she was doing.

He seemed relaxed, sitting back in the chair, arms crossed over his chest, but the way his fingers dug into his biceps harshly told everyone that he was anything but relaxed.

Takemitchy paced around the room, occasionally running a hand through his messy hair nervously. He would look at the door y/n's room was behind from time to time, waiting for Mikey or the doctor to walk back out and give them any kind of news.

He hoped it was good, and not bad.

Draken stood against the wall next to the door, arms crossed as his eyes were closed. He was keeping composure, but his face was contorted into pain, as if he didn't want to hear the news they all would dread.

"This feels familiar." Mistuya's voice broke the silence, making everyone stop what they were doing to look at him. Emma's crying came to a slow, but her tears still flowed out of her eyes as Hina rubbed her back.

Mitsuya lifted his head, showing his red and puffy eyes. "This." He motioned to the hospital. "It feels like we're waiting for Draken all over again, only this time it's y/n..." His voice became a whisper at the end, everyone almost missing what he said. "We waited hours last time, but...this feels a lot longer." His body tenses. "What if she-"

"She'll be fine." Draken interrupted him, throwing his head back against the wall as he huffed. "She's too stubborn to not pull through." His jaw flexed. "She won't die from a damn knife slasher coward."

Everyone stared at him, their eyes filling with a little hope.

"Draken's right." Chifuyu spoke. He rubbed the back of his arm under his nose, gathering himself together. "Y/n isn't the type to just give up. She's stronger than that. She'll come back to us."

Takemitchy looked between the two, then looked at the door y/n was behind.

Balling his fists to keep him from messing up his hair any further, he took a seat next to Chifuyu.

More minutes passed by, the clock ticking in the distance on the wall.

The minutes felt like hours, maybe it was because everyone in that waiting room counted the amount of times the clock ticked.

The door to y/n's room started to open, making everyone shoot up from their seats in anticipation, readying themselves for whoever walked out-and what they had to say.

Hina held Emma by her shoulders, letting her lean into her more sturdy body as small tears still came out.

The doctor walked out, checking the clipboard in his hands before looking up at all of them.

If everyone listened carefully and closely, they would be able to hear each other's rapid heartbeat.

Taking off his glasses and mask, he put the clipboard under his arm and gave them the news.

"She's lost a lot of blood, but she will be okay."

Everyone's faces broke into smiles, some having happy tears escape their eyes.

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