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"Now one thing is clear." Chifuyu spoke, walking ahead of the two.

The sun was starting to set now, the three of them spent the whole day figuring new things out on Kisaki and what his plans are.

Y/n was in the back, hands shoved in pockets as she took in the scenery around her.

Many things intrigued her, from the train, to the small flower peddles falling from the trees.

She wasn't one to like much vibrant colors, but the sunset was always her favorite.

Has been ever since she was little.

It was like an explosion of different shades, ranging from vibrant to dull. She enjoyed it.

Sometimes she would watch it with Mikey up on a random rooftop.

But that felt like forever ago.

Bleach-blonde was walking in the middle, head lowered as he thought about whatever that brain of his thought about.

Y/n would like to know what went on in that walnut one day. Hopefully soon.

When Chifuyu spoke though, Bleach-blonde's head shot up in his direction, a confused noise emitting from his mouth.

She just looked at Chifuyu through the corner of her eyes, giving some clue she was listening.

"The one at the top of Valhalla..."

She completely turned her head towards him interested, even though he couldn't see she did so.

"The gang filled with mysteries, but no obvious leader. They're called the Headless Angel." Chifuyu came to a stop, making the other two stop behind him. "The leader that no one knew of is..." He turned his head over his shoulder, a serious look on his features. "Kisaki Tetta."

Bleach-blonde flinched, a gasp escaping his lips.

Y/n furrowed her brows in confusion, not understanding at first. Then she thought about it.

It does make sense.

Why else would he make Hanma his sword?

Hanma is apart of Valhalla.

He's been behind the previous events so far...and he used Osanai to get what he wanted, then left him on the streets once he had no use of him anymore.

He's smart, and a coward at the same time.

He made me kill Nakano...

She relaxed her face, glaring at nothing in the distance.

Clenching her jaw, she turned to Chifuyu when he continued his theory.

"And currently, Kisaki is in Toman. That means the throne's empty!"


What the hell is Kisaki planning?

Nothing makes any sense!


What if I...


She looked at Bleach-blonde, him staring at the ground in silence with fear engraved in his eyes.

He was sweating.

"Takebitchy? You good?" She asked, walking up to his side and nudging him with her elbow.

He seemed to snap out of whatever he was thinking, looking at y/n wide-eyed.

Looking up at her, he saw how emotionless her face was. Not a trace of shock, denial, anger. Nothing.

How does she always look so...so...


"Takemitchy?" Chifuyu asked this time, making him snap his head over to him.

Y/n squinted her eyes at Bleach-blonde, her mouth forming a straight line showing a look of skepticism.

What's going on with you, Bleach-blonde?

I'm getting impatient.

"Sorry. I'm fine, really...just-thinking about some stuff." He responded.

A look of determination flashed in his eyes, and he turned to y/n.

She raised a questioning brow.

"I think I'm going to head home. Feeling kinda tired." He told her. He then shifted his eyes to Chifuyu. "See you guys tomorrow?"

"Sure." Chifuyu responded, nodding his head.

Y/n nodded once, and he turned on his heel and started walking the opposite way.

Chifuyu came up beside her, both of them watching Bleach-blonde's retreating form.

"You see it too?" She asked, not taking her eyes off of the back of Bleach-blonde's head.

"I do." He replied after a moment.

She side-eyed him, and he turned his head from watching Bleach-blonde to her.

He nodded.

She looked one last time at Bleach-blonde, watching him turn behind a corner and disappearing.

She hummed, and turned on her heel to walk back in the direction they were originally going, Chifuyu following suit.


short chapter, my bad! hope you still enjoyed though.

i think y/n is catching on to bleach-blonde, what do you think she's gonna do?

also, i think i'm gonna change up my writing a bit to make it a little better to understand and picture in your mind. i'm tired of using the same words over and over again :/

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