Eclipse is back

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Chapa's pov:
I wake up exactly at 11:59pm so i get dressed and go wake up the jerker
Time jerker:I'VE BEEN UP
Time jerker:ALREADY ON IT
I go to the kitchen,grab a green apple,and keep tossing it up in the air til jerker came out,took it from me,and bit into it.
Chapa:dude!i was gonna eat that
Jerker:too bad grab another one
Chapa:yea whatever now lets get going
Jerker:you driving
He tossed me the keys and i go outside.
Jerker:wait for me
Chapa:your too slow
I say as i roll down the window.I see him get in the passenger seat so i drive off.
-couple minutes later-
We drive up to youtally toghurt and i grab inside my pocket to see if my pocket knife is still there,it is so we go inside unannounced,and then we hear a loud bang.We look behind us and we see danger force.
Chapa:oh look who it is,Loser Force
Jerker:wait let me get my camera out
Chapa:not the time jerker
Cap man:oh not you too
Jerker:Chapa what does he mean
Shoutout:She used to be one of us not that i care
Jerker:is that so
The jerker said
Chapa:yes it is now let me rob the frozen yogurt place
Cap man:sorry jerker but we are gonna make Chapa a good guy again isn't that right
Chapa:uh how about NO Eclipse is back for GOOD
Brainstorm:who's Eclipse
Chapa:me IDIOT
Cap man:HEY don't you dare call him that
Brainstorm:Cap i-its fine l-lets just get this over with
Cap man:ok
We start fighting and within 5 minutes i already got Shoutout and Awol down on the ground unconscious
Cap man:how are you so good at fighting
Chapa:i taught myself plus my parents were the best superheroes in Swellview
I said as i kick him in the chest so hard that he goes out the door and never gets up.
Brainstorm:Chapa don't make me fight you
Chapa:well its too late
I start fighting him but its taking too long because we fight the same exact way.
Chapa:ughh this is taking to long
I then grab his wrist and twist him over my shoulder which resulted in him slamming into the hard-wood floor really hard.He then starts to hold his back and wince in pain.I felt really bad for hurting him but i gotta pretend that I don't care and that Im a happy girl.
Brainstorm:who are you
Chapa:What do you mean
Brainstorm:who did you become
Chapa:I'm the same person just a little modified
Brainstorm:why did you have to be a villain
Chapa:oh sweetie I'm making up lost time
  I then go behind the counter and make a cup of green tea fro yo.
Brainstorm:what are you doing
Chapa:here its your favorite the green tea fro yo
Brainstorm:are you sure this isn't a trick
Chapa:you just saw me get it from the machine now all you have to do is get it from my hands
I knew he would have trouble with getting it so i held my hands a little bit higher than what he can reach
Brainstorm:oh come on
Chapa:your only an inch away from the spoon wait I'm actually hungry so do you mind
Brainstorm:i thought you hated the green tea fro yo here
Chapa:your right thanks for reminding me
I then walk over to the trash and throw the fro yo in the bin
Chapa.there all taking care of
Chapa:so very serious
Brainstorm:look i didn't mean to spaze out like that on you its just my reaction to people doing bad things in life
Chapa:well then here take my hand i will help you stand up
I then help him stand up but i push him over to a gate,take out the handcuffs from his pocket,and handcuff him to the gate.(this is like the scene from henry and the wall dogs episode)
Brainstorm:ugh this day is the worst
Chapa:well it isn't anymore
  I then lean in to kiss him
Brainstorm:wait what are you doi-
After the kiss i tell him something
Chapa:meet me at the other side of mount swellview ALONE
Brainstorm:ok ok OK what time
Chapa:Midnight welp i gotta head back home so bye
Brainstorm:wait can you get me unlocked like wheres the key
Chapa:oh you mean this key
I then throw the key out the window then start walking back
Brainstorm:BYE I GUESS
Bose's pov:
Brainstorm:BYE I GUESS
Gosh dang it i have no key that means I'm stuck here till the others wake up from their nap
-15 minutes later-
Brainstorm:guys its been 15 minutes can you please just wake up and help me
To my surprise they started waking up so i just screamed
Shoutout:Brainstorm lets take you back to the mans nest and check if your hurt
Brainstorm:can you get me un handcuffed  to this gate first
Cap man:we'll just take the gate with us it'll be fine
-in the mans nest-
Ray:so how did you get handcuffed to a metal gate in a fro yo shop
Ray:ooh that little Bitch
Mika:did she tell you anything
Chapa:Meet me at the other side of mount swellview ALONE
-back to life-
Mika:you looked like you were thinking about something
Bose:i sometimessss just zone out yea i zone out a lot
Ray:so did she say anything to you
Bose:nope not at all
Ray:wait whats on your lips
Bose:nothing now hows the un cuffing process going
Schwoz:good almost done now listen to Ray
Ray:thank you so what is on your lips
Bose:i don't know probably something that i drank earlier
Ray:its something
He comes up to me
He touches my lips
He sniffs his hand but now this is where i get nervous because if he finds out then he is gonna FLIP THE FUCK OUT
Bose:she kissed me while i was handcuffed I couldn't do nothing about it
Ray:What secrets are you hiding from us Bose
I then feel a tug on my wrists and the loosness in my circulation so i just walk forward,get my bag,go down the tube,and start walking.I wondered if Chapa would be in that alley so i stop by there and see her talking to the man.It was broad daylight out so i can see perfectly fine
Chapa:ughh what now Ray I'm fine
Bose:Mind if i talk with you
Chapa:Bose?sorry um yea i will be back
She said as she pointed to the man
Man:don't be gone long
Chapa:i won't
I grab her hand and we go a little bit passed the alleyway entrance
Chapa:so whats up
Bose:our friendship
Chapa:what about it
Bose:i want it back
Chapa:Bose its no-
Bose:you can call me Bosey now
Chapa:ok well Bosey its not that easy you have to earn it back
Bose:ok then what do i have to do
Chapa:ooh its so little but not quit danger force but prove to me that you really want it back by
Bose:go on
Chapa:by going to the store with me in uniform i will tell you the rest when we are in
We then sit in silence
Chapa:well what are you waiting for transform
Bose:oh you mean right now ok
I hide in a different alleyway and transform quickly.
Chapa:come on
She holds her hand out in which i a couple minutes i see that we are in front of a Market Basket so we go in,go to a random aisle,and just start looking
Brainstorm:so whats the other part of the plan
She hands me a random item from a shelf
Brainstorm:but i didn't bring any money
Chapa:i know just steal it
Brainstorm:what are you kidding me that's illegal
Chapa:its part of the plan now if you want our friendship back then steal it
Brainstorm:ugh fine
I then shove it in my deepest pocket then we walk out of the store.Im surprised that the alarms didn't go off but now i just feel bad for stealing
Chapa:see wasn't so bad and to be honest i've missed you
Brainstorm:same but why stealing
Chapa:just you wait now we are back but you gotta de transform before the Man sees you in uniform
I then go back into a alleyway and de transform.
Bose:K well i'll meet you at midnight
Chapa:ok goodnight for now

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